
Showing 6 of 48
Cinnamon Plus

    Cinnamon Plus

    Contains Cinnulin PF cinnamon extract, green coffee berry, and banaba to support glucose metabolism and weight management.*
    90 capsules
    50% off!
    $43.00 $21.50
    In Stock
    Daily Protein Plus Oat

      Daily Protein Plus Oat

      Grass-fed, pasture-raised whey protein isolate with heart-healthy oat beta glucan fiber and mangosteen antioxidant. Tastes great, mixes well. Excellent for breakfast!
      2 lb. (30 scoops)
      20% off!
      $60.00 $48.00
      In Stock
      Green Tea Extract

        Green Tea Extract

        Highest quality green tea extract for weight management.*
        90 capsules
        20% off!
        $28.00 $22.40
        In Stock
        Brain Protector

          Brain Protector

          Brain Protector™ contains powerful antioxidants to enhance protection of the brain and nervous system. Includes blueberry and more.*
          60 capsules
          20% off!
          $60.00 $48.00
          In Stock
          Daily Protein Unflavored

            Daily Protein Unflavored

            Grass-fed, pasture-raised whey protein isolate. 26 grams bioactive whey protein per scoop, 6g BCAAs, 30 scoops per container. No sweeteners or flavors of any kind!
            2 lb. (30 scoops)
            20% off!
            $60.00 $48.00
            In Stock
            Daily Protein Plus - Chocolate

              Daily Protein Plus Chocolate

              Grass-fed, pasture-raised bioactive whey protein with organic cocoa and fiber. No sweeteners!...
              2 lb. (30 scoops)
              20% off!
              $60.00 $48.00
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 39

              Niacin & Cardiovascular Support

              Niacin has been extensively used for the past fifty years to support healthy lipid metabolism and circulation. It helps widen your blood vessels which helps your arteries to naturally relax. Many forms of niacin have an undesirable flushing effect. In our product we use a safe and effective non-flushing form of niacin called inositol hexanicotinate (IHN)....

              Pantethine Energizes Metabolism

              Pantethine is the biologically active form of vitamin B5. Plain vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is rapidly washed out of your body. The unique structure of pantethine enables it to stay in your body for up to 16 hours helping to support energy production and cholesterol fitness. Pantethine is used by your liver to assist healthy metabolism of triglycerides...

              Thyroid and Sleep

              When stress is either extremely intense or has been going on too long, then the relaxed reserves in your nervous system tend to deplete. This gives your brain a wired feeling, meaning you are likely to be more anxious or irritable during the day and have poorer quality sleep at night. This has a major bearing on how your subconscious brain (hypothalamus...

              Stress Controlled by Leptin

              Stress implies that there is an increased need for energy. Leptin, which is overall in charge of your body's energy spending systems, also regulates your adrenal and nervous system response to stress. When leptin systems work efficiently you have a better ability to tolerate stress, do not feel wired up or exhausted from stress, and do not eat in response...

              Sleep & Weight Loss

              You must get an adequate amount of sleep in order to lose weight. Sleep is prime fat burning time. If you don't get enough you throw leptin out of balance, are tired the next day, and want to eat more to try to get your energy going. This invariably leads to overeating and weight gain.Individuals with sleep deficiency or insomnia may also have concurrent...

              Reduce Excess Lactic Acid and Cellular Waste

              When your cells are working well and making energy properly they are fairly clean burning engines, making less trash. As cell function declines they start to pour a lot of black smoke out their exhaust, in the form of lactic acid and other inflammatory by-products. This changes the pH in the fluid around cells, stressing circulation to and from cells....


              Showing 6 of 273

              07 04, 2011

              Dawn of the New Leptin Era

              A decade ago I recognized the extreme importance of leptin to human health. Leptin is the king of hormones which impacts everything else in your body. My first book on the subject in 2002, Mastering Leptin, was the first translation of highly complex science into readable English for the general public – specifically addressing how to eat to be in harmony...

              12 29, 2009

              Top 10 Health Scandals of 2009

              2009 is another bumper crop year for health scandals, an unfortunate trend that shows no signs of improvement. To the contrary, consumers should do everything in their power to stay healthy as the Big Pharma-sponsored medical profession continues to induce millions of serious injuries and hundreds of thousands of deaths per year.

              10 31, 2008

              Monolaurin – A Natural Immune Boosting Powerhouse

              Monolaurin is a 12-carbon long fatty acid, derived from coconut oil but prepared into a mono-ester of lauric acid. Decades of research has demonstrated the germ-killing and disinfectant properties of this natural compound.

              03 02, 2009

              Leptin Protects Your Brain, Energizes Your Body

              The fat-hormone leptin must get into your brain in order to activate your metabolism and help protect your brain from inflammation and damage. A new study documents that leptin even protects brain cells from low oxygen states that are related to stroke damage.

              02 05, 2010

              Snacking Depresses Your Immune System

              German researchers have identified a highly relevant new aspect of immunity. When you haven't eaten for a while then insulin levels drop and unique genes are activated that directly stimulate the production of powerful antimicrobial peptides, in turn destroying germs by dissolving their cell walls. Conversely, snacking raises insulin which then...

              03 28, 2016

              Super Form of Vitamin B12 - Adenosylcobalamin

              There are important distinctions among the various forms of vitamin B12. In particular, the adenosylcobalamin form of B12 plays a critical role in mitochondria, methylation tolerance, myelin formation, cancer risk reduction, and neurological health and it may be lacking in your diet.


              Showing 6 of 144