
Health Topics

Showing 3 of 33

Digestive Detoxification

Your liver would like to place most of the trash it is trying to eliminate into your digestive tract by secreting it in the bile (and the bile in turn also helps you digest fat). In your body's system of economy your digestive tract is both the kitchen and the restroom, an odd combination if you stop and think about it. Trash must move out smoothly or...

Weight Management and Detoxification

Random fat sampling by our EPA shows that all Americans store fat-soluble toxins from common chemical exposures in their fat. This is a testament to the amount of pollution we face. Some of these like PCBs, which are proven to elevate in your blood as they are released from fat when you lose weight, can be quite toxic. You must be able to get toxins out...

No Appetite/Weak Digestion

Ongoing wear-and-tear, traumatic stress, an injury, an eating disorder, or fighting a chronic illness may induce significant wear-and-tear in the digestive tract, leading to a lack of appetite or generally weak digestive power. It is important to turn this situation around, as the lack of digestive power handicaps important nourishment from getting into...


Showing 6 of 115

04 05, 2009

Sleeping Problems Disturb Cardiovascular Health

Timing is a key principle of health. Sleeping and waking are timed to the earth's 24 hour clock, and so is the health of your circulatory system. New research is discovering that timing rhythms of your body have a powerful influence on the health of the cells that line your circulatory system.

04 16, 2012

Why Toxins and Waste Products Impede Weight Loss - The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #3

Your body's ability to process trash, including toxic trash, is a pervasive factor in your ability to lose weight and reach a healthy goal weight. Struggling with this issue activates backup strategies for dealing with toxic overload, which include expanding the number of fat cells and stuffing them with toxins as well as fat. This is likely done to get...

12 11, 2007

The Statin Scam Marches On

Considering that tens of millions of Americans now take statins to lower cholesterol, the following headline was conspicuously absent from the major media this month: "Statins Found to Turn On Gene that Causes Muscle Damage"; It's now a fact of science; a new study shows that taking statins destroys your muscle to a greater or lesser degree. And let's...

02 22, 2012

Lack of Strength Predicts Stroke

Researchers at Boston Medical Center measured the grip strength and walking speed of 2,410 adults, average age 62. They followed them for 11 years and discovered that stronger grip was associated with a lower risk of stroke, whereas slower walking speeds were linked to a higher risk of dementia.


Showing 6 of 127

05 14, 2011

Exercise and eNOS Reserves

Exercise Protects Against Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Stimulation of β3-Adrenergic Receptors and Increased Nitric Oxide Signaling: Role of Nitrite and Nitrosothiols