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Daily Detoxify 90 capsules

    Daily Detoxify

    Top nutritional supplement for the liver. Supports the natural processes of detoxification.*
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    Muscle Mag

      Muscle Mag

      Helps reduce muscle tightness by reducing lactic acid formation. Muscle Mag helps your body get a better response from exercise and daily activities.*
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      Wellness Resources Squalene
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      An excellent nutrient for healthy skin and natural oil moisture on the skin.*
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      Thyroid Helper 90 Caps

        Thyroid Helper

        Thyroid Helper contains key nutrients for healthy thyroid function and the natural activation of thyroid hormone. Naturally improve your energy, motivation, and metabolism.*
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        In Stock

        Health Topics


        Showing 6 of 329

        09 29, 2008

        Statins Drastically Impair Healthy Muscle

        Science about the extreme adverse side effects of the widely used statin drugs for lowering cholesterol continues to leak out. The latest findings show that statins, at commonly prescribed doses, significantly interfere with the healthy rejuvenation of muscles.

        03 18, 2010

        ACCORD Trial Highlights the Failure of Western Medicine

        The ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) Trial is proving to be a complete flop. Its purpose was to aggressively use drugs to lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol in type II diabetic patients so as to prevent heart disease. One day it may sink in to the multibillion-dollar-per-year fraud of Big Pharma and Western...

        01 16, 2008

        Vytorin Fraud Places all Statin Therapy in Question

        Excessively lowering cholesterol has been the mantra of Big Pharma gone wild. Congressional investigation into a fraudulent cover-up of Vytorin study results led Merck and Schering-Plough to reveal what everyone had been suspecting, the main ingredient in their 5-billion-a-year scam failed miserably to do anything useful.

        03 02, 2015

        Common Medications That Rob the Body of Nutrients

        Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans take prescription drugs. More than half take two drugs. Senior citizens, 65 and older, take on average 14 or more prescription drugs per year. This creates a major concern with negative drug interactions and nutrient depletions.


        Showing 6 of 698

        10 19, 2011

        Pantethine Lowers Cholesterol in Americans

        Pantethine, a derivative of vitamin B(5) used as a nutritional supplement, favorably alters low-density lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism in low- to moderate-cardiovascular risk North American subjects.