
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 197

03 01, 2013

Veggies & Folate for Healthier Babies

Two studies help drive home the point that high quality nutrition during pregnancy can have a profound effect on the future health of one's child.

02 20, 2010

Fiber, Not Statins, for Childhood Cardiovascular Health

A new Finnish study shows that children ages 8 months to 9 years who have the highest level of fiber intake in their diets have the lowest levels of cholesterol. It's that simple. Fix the diets of kids, get them started on a better nutritional path, and they will experience far less obesity and heart disease – while saving society hundreds of billions...

08 25, 2014

Brain Fatigue 101

Are you feeling foggy or exhausted? Drained, overwhelmed, or burned out? Are you forgetting what’s on your grocery list or falling asleep when working on a project or reading? These are symptoms of brain fatigue. Brain fatigue is something that everyone has experienced on some level. It doesn’t matter what age one is; we all need to pay attention to it....

10 31, 2008

Monolaurin – A Natural Immune Boosting Powerhouse

Monolaurin is a 12-carbon long fatty acid, derived from coconut oil but prepared into a mono-ester of lauric acid. Decades of research has demonstrated the germ-killing and disinfectant properties of this natural compound.

03 28, 2016

Super Form of Vitamin B12 - Adenosylcobalamin

There are important distinctions among the various forms of vitamin B12. In particular, the adenosylcobalamin form of B12 plays a critical role in mitochondria, methylation tolerance, myelin formation, cancer risk reduction, and neurological health and it may be lacking in your diet.


Showing 6 of 128