
Health Topics


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06 01, 2009

Excess NF-kappaB Drives Bone Loss

NF-kappaB is a gene switch that enables your cells to manage stress. Its activation is required in order to deal with any sort of cellular problem. However, excessively activated NF-kappaB is fundamental to every inflammatory problem – one of which is bone loss.

12 11, 2010

Undecylenic Acid Helps Bone Building

Undecylenic acid is a medium chain fatty acid best known for its germ-control ability – including the disruption of troubling biofilms (germ gangs) of Candida albicans. Surprisingly, researchers have now shown that this nutrient stimulates the bone-building osteoblasts.

09 10, 2011

Early Life Stress Can Alter Brain Structure

A child’s relationship with their mother is a key factor in terms of how their brain develops. If the mom is depressed then the child’s brain processes stress differently, leading to a larger amygdala and higher levels of glucocorticoids. This would cause a person to grow up with a brain structure more prone to an aggressive/combative stress response.

02 21, 2012

Animal Protein Linked to Healthier Bones

Many proponents of the acid-alkaline theory of health believe that animal protein is acid forming because if you bake it in an oven acid ash is what is left. Such people then go on to claim that since animal protein is acid forming it leeches calcium out of bones and causes bone loss, even though not a single study has ever demonstrated this happening....

10 25, 2008

Mom's Mood Influences Baby's Sleep

We have known for a long time that children born to parents who don't sleep well are likely to have sleep problems. A new study is shedding more light on this issue, indicating that the fetal programming that takes places while in the womb may have a profound effect on a baby's sleep pattern.


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