
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 60

The Importance of the Leptin Diet

Leptin is a hormone that comes from your fat cells, travels up to your brain, and regulates your metabolism and rate of fat burning and thyroid function. Women have more leptin than men which establishes their naturally higher percentage of body fat. Fat, in turn, helps maintain higher estrogen levels. Leptin problems cause a disruption in insulin...

Cholesterol Fitness & Your Diet

Diet, exercise, weight management, and dietary supplements form a terrific approach to healthfully managing your cholesterol fitness. The new science shows that keeping your cholesterol levels in a healthy range requires that you properly manage the entire subject of fat. This includes triglyceride metabolism, weight management, the condition of your...

Basic Leptin Support

No simple fix or miracle weight loss pill will ever address the complexity of leptin in your metabolism. Beware of false marketing for any one product making this claim (Many leptin products are out there, all of them riding on our coattails, as we are the original leptin experts). On the other hand, there are many nutrients that beneficially impact...

Protein & Fiber Boost Weight Loss

Protein and fiber are vital for healthy weight loss. Are you getting enough? Your minimum protein intake for weight loss should be 1/2 to 3/4 of your ideal body weight in grams of protein per day. To maximize muscle metabolism, you need protein high in branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine. Unlike any other amino acid, leucine directly...

Stress Controlled by Leptin

Stress implies that there is an increased need for energy. Leptin, which is overall in charge of your body's energy spending systems, also regulates your adrenal and nervous system response to stress. When leptin systems work efficiently you have a better ability to tolerate stress, do not feel wired up or exhausted from stress, and do not eat in response...

Final Comments on Leptin

When using nutrition to support leptin function you are simply trying to nourish your overall leptin system, along with your other systems. This approach falls under the category of assisting the healthy structure and function of your body and is not the treatment or prevention of any disease or medical condition.The topics previously listed are key...


Showing 6 of 301

04 05, 2011

Scientists Play Catch Up Trying to Understand Thyroid Problems

Usually we think of science as being on the cutting edge; not so when it comes to understanding thyroid symptoms and what those mean. Finally, a study documents that even though people with a myriad of thyroid symptoms may have normal thyroid gland scores, their thyroid glands are under considerable inflammatory stress.

12 06, 2008

Obesity Punches Thyroid Gland in the Nose

Many believe that a sluggish thyroid has led to obesity. A new study in children shows the opposite – that obesity inflames the thyroid leading to potentially life-long thyroid problems if the weight is not lost.

05 22, 2015

Hair Loss Disorder Alopecia Areata Linked to Thyroid, Celiac, Methylation

Symptoms of the autoimmune hair loss disorder alopecia areata are often devastating and disheartening. New research is showing that addressing co-existing autoimmune disorders and taking certain nutrients can help. Suffering silently and feeling helpless with hair loss disorders doesn’t have to happen. Take charge of your health today!

04 09, 2010

Thyroid-Disrupting Triclosan Jumps Into the Frying Pan

The FDA is sounding alarm bells and the national media has jumped on the bandwagon. Triclosan is no longer flying under the radar like hundreds of others of its toxic chemical friends. Like bisphenol A, triclosan has a bull's-eye on its forehead. This is not only a health story; it is a story of political intrigue. It pits the obesity epidemic against an...

06 13, 2008

Sluggish Thyroid Associated with Increased Mortality

The importance of keeping your thyroid system in tip-top working condition cannot be underestimated. A variety of recent studies have concluded that a struggling thyroid system is associated with an increased risk of death, especially when there is a concurrent health problem or when there is cardiovascular issues.


Showing 6 of 409
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