
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 80

07 13, 2018

Memory Neurotransmitter & Gut Health Linked

Do you have trouble remembering names, lose your keys more frequently, or have a lack of motivation? If so, you may need to boost your acetylcholine, known as the memory neurotransmitter.

11 30, 2012

Preventing Obesity-Related Fatty Liver Damage

Your liver is the metabolic brain of your body, the workhorse that processes, stores, and distributes every calorie you consume. When you gain weight and your waistline expands, white adipose tissue is unable to store fat fast enough and thus stores excess fat in the liver. Learn how to prevent liver deterioration that is typical in any person who is...

01 08, 2018

Thyroid Hormone Affects the Whole Body

Thyroid hormones affect the entire body in ways that are often not thought about. Could your health concern be related to an underlying thyroid condition?

08 09, 2021

Support the Mighty Vagus Nerve

The Vagus nerve, known as the Wanderer, is the longest nerve in your body reaching many organs. Support this nerve that impacts total body health.

12 10, 2018

Combat Stress this Holiday Season

Does the the holiday season increase your stress level? Here are the most important nutrients to offset stress and anxiety and promote relaxation.


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