
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 63

High School & College

Young adults are always on the go. If they do not get the day started properly they are more likely to get run down, catch a cold, eat poorly, and not be able to focus as well. The easiest way to start the day is with the Daily Super Pack These convenient packets contain a full range of vitamins, minerals, vegetable and fruit concentrates, antioxidants,...


The removal of waste products is of paramount importance for any person with fibromyalgia. Too much trash is like throwing sand into the gas tank of a car it doesn't matter if the car is new or old it simply wont run with sand in the way. Most people do not understand the major pathways of trash elimination in their bodies, thus I have explained them in...

Energy and Metabolism

In normal energy production for every calorie you burn you make 33 molecules of ATP (cellular energy). In fibromyalgia you are often making 3 ATP instead of 33 (1/10th the energy) and a pile of lactic acid. You need to employ strategies so that you are making 33 ATP per calorie more hours in the day at which point your energy will feel better and your...

Body Repair

In some ways having to deal with fibromyalgia on a day in and day out basis is like having your body subjected to battle the battlefield being the inside of your body. Part of getting on track is naturally rejuvenating your body tissues, joints, and muscles. Best results occur as you use such nutrition in combination with a moderate and consistent...

Best Adrenal, Stress, Mood Supplements

Nutrition excels at nourishing the brain, nerves, and adrenals for better mental clarity, stress tolerance, and relaxation. Discover the best supplements for adrenal support, stress management, and mood and feel the difference. Naturally improve mental energy, focus, and mood!*


Adrenals are your glands of stress tolerance that enable you to cope with the pressures and demands in your life. If your life were predictable, monotonous, and boring, then you would not need any adrenal glands as there would be no changes your body would ever need to adapt to or manage. Problems with the adrenals happen when they are forced to work...


Showing 6 of 330

02 18, 2009

Sleep Desire, Caffeine, and Inflammation

New research has proven conclusively that the molecule known as adenosine is in charge of your feeling of sleepiness and is required in adequate amounts in order for you to fall asleep in a natural way. Somewhat paradoxically, adenosine is also an important molecule in energy production.

02 03, 2013

Teen Sleep Problems Lead to Depression & Drug Abuse

Sleep problems in children and teens have reached a crisis level in America. New science shows that these issues are setting the table for obesity, depression, drug abuse, and future cardiovascular disease. Specific biological pathways have now been defined that explain how sleep problems may lead directly to substance abuse.


Showing 6 of 360
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