
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 32

Maximize Your Fat Burning During Sleep

In the course of a 24-hour time period your prime fat burning opportunity is at night while you are sleeping but only if you allow it to happen. Of course you burn extra calories when you exercise or are physically active, but in terms of your basal metabolism of fat, nighttime rules!Following a meal you tend to burn calories for energy mostly from sugar...

Niacin & Cardiovascular Support

Niacin has been extensively used for the past fifty years to support healthy lipid metabolism and circulation. It helps widen your blood vessels which helps your arteries to naturally relax. Many forms of niacin have an undesirable flushing effect. In our product we use a safe and effective non-flushing form of niacin called inositol hexanicotinate (IHN)....


Estrogen stimulates collagen synthesis, which in the presence of stressed-out skin structure can fuel the formation of cellulite (which is why women are bothered more than men by the issue. Female Plus™ helps promote healthier estrogen balance, while Cardio Helper™ and Repair Plus™ address some of the other key issues involved with the cellulite problem.*

Carbohydrate Cravings and Ghrelin

New science is shedding light on one aspect of the nature of cravings, especially for carbohydrates. Your stomachs carbohydrate-desiring hunger signal, called ghrelin, is also needed for the release of growth hormone required to repair your digestive lining. Such cravings may actually be a red flag that your digestive tract is under some form of strain...

GI Irritation, Nausea, and Diarrhea

The outer cells of the inside lining of your GI tract are renewed every 24 hours. Cells several layers deep are renewed every three days. This fast turnover of mucous-producing cells is needed to maintain the structural integrity of the lining of the GI tract. If this natural process of repair is not functioning at an optimal pace then adverse effects of...

Rate of Improvement

Multiple systems must gradually start to work better at more or less the same time which translates to more hours in the day when energy is available. Do not try to do too much too fast. As you begin to feel better gradually do more exercise from which you can easily recover. Nutritional strategies can significantly help you improve your response to...


Showing 6 of 241

08 20, 2012

Insulin, Leptin, and Blood Sugar – Why Diabetic Medication Fails

Type 2 diabetes is a difficult metabolic problem. It is a national embarrassment that so many of our young people are becoming type 2 diabetic. It is a national disgrace that millions of type 2 diabetic patients are being injured with commonly used diabetic medications that are known to make their metabolic situation worse.

09 12, 2011

New Insights on How Stress Damages DNA & Causes Cancer

Utilizing new gene science to identify precise molecular pathways scientists have discovered that repeated exposure to the stress hormone adrenaline degrades cellular levels of P53. P53 is the tumor-suppressing guardian of the human genome. This is an animal study; nevertheless, the fact lower levels of P53 is induced by chronic stress exposure is a...

04 21, 2008

Are Antioxidants Safe?

A recent Danish study was intended to raise doubt amongst antioxidant consuming Americans. It has been widely circulated in the Big-Pharma sponsored mainstream media – which is typical. Antioxidants are the foundation of health for every cell in your body. If you don't have enough your cells will die faster and generate inflammation at much higher...

02 12, 2014

A Sluggish Lymph System Causes Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Snoring is the main symptom of sleep apnea or its precursor condition, hypopnea, which involves the reduction of airflow. While it is disturbing to one’s sleep partner, it is also a sign of a health problem that should be improved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and significantly improve energy. A new study by Italian researchers confirms a...

02 29, 2012

Pantethine – Boost Your Brain, Cardio Health, Metabolism, and Detoxification

Pantethine can dramatically change your health and improve your metabolism. Pantethine, like no other nutrient, directly fuels the production Co-Enzyme A (CoA). CoA is a pivotal energy broker molecule in your metabolism, used in at least 70 metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Pantethine...

04 05, 2009

Sleeping Problems Disturb Cardiovascular Health

Timing is a key principle of health. Sleeping and waking are timed to the earth's 24 hour clock, and so is the health of your circulatory system. New research is discovering that timing rhythms of your body have a powerful influence on the health of the cells that line your circulatory system.


Showing 6 of 177

10 01, 2009

Silver in Medicine

Silver in health care: antimicrobial effects and safety in use.
September Sale


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