
Health Topics

Showing 1 of 25

Telomere Supplements

A telomere is a repeating sequence of DNA at the end of a chromosome. Each time a cell replicates and divides, the telomere loses some of its length. Eventually the telomere runs out, and the cell can no longer divide and rejuvenate, triggering a poor state of cell health. Supporting your telomeres is paramount for healthy aging. If you feel like stress...


Showing 6 of 78

09 08, 2010

Bone Drugs Double the Risk for Esophageal Cancer

Even one prescription for any type of bisphosphonate bone drug increases the risk of esophageal cancer by 30%. However, when a person fills 10 or more of these prescriptions for longer than a three year period, which is standard medical protocol, then the risk doubles. You don’t need a degree in rocket science to understand that bone drugs are so...

09 20, 2010

Alarming Rate of Death Linked to Short Sleep

A group of 741 men, average age 50, were followed for 14 years. Those with less than 6 hours per night of sleep had a 433% increased risk of death from any cause during the study period. This is an astounding number and places a new emphasis on the importance of quality sleep as one grows older.

02 21, 2012

Animal Protein Linked to Healthier Bones

Many proponents of the acid-alkaline theory of health believe that animal protein is acid forming because if you bake it in an oven acid ash is what is left. Such people then go on to claim that since animal protein is acid forming it leeches calcium out of bones and causes bone loss, even though not a single study has ever demonstrated this happening....

11 18, 2008

Are Vaccinations Causing Early Alzheimer's?

The issue of cognitive decline and the more advanced Alzheimer's disease is predicted to be a public health crisis in America over the next 20 years, as the swell of baby boomers hits the age when problems manifest. This past week the Wall Street Journal ran an article on a man getting Alzheimer's in his 40s, one of 500,000 Americans with early onset.

09 27, 2011

Aerobics Stimulates New Blood Cell Formation

Your bones are a powerplant for generating new cells. In many situations, stem cells can follow more than one path to become whatever the body thinks is needed most. Some stem cells in bone can become fat or they can become new red or white blood cells. A new study demonstrates that laziness breeds fat, and aerobics is a powerful stimulator of new blood...


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