
Health Topics


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03 16, 2011

Poor Maternal Diet Increases the Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Later in Life

Understanding adverse gene programming in the womb (epigenetic changes) is a key part of the new frontier of science. Researchers have now proven that a low protein diet during pregnancy (malnutrition) induces a malfunction setting in a key gene known as Hnf4a, in turn leading to significantly increased risk for type 2 diabetes later in life.

08 14, 2013

Smoking May Cause Asthma for Three Generations

A mother who smokes during pregnancy (currently 12 percent of American women) can cause asthma in her great grandchildren. This is one example of how adverse epigenetic changes can be passed on; there are many others.

09 11, 2008

Nutrition and a Thriving Infant

Mothers who consume the most fish during pregnancy and lactation as well as nurse their child for longer than 10 months significantly improve the healthy development of their child.

03 02, 2015

Common Medications That Rob the Body of Nutrients

Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans take prescription drugs. More than half take two drugs. Senior citizens, 65 and older, take on average 14 or more prescription drugs per year. This creates a major concern with negative drug interactions and nutrient depletions.

05 01, 2017

Neurontin and Lyrica Adverse Effects: The Saga Continues

Several years ago, Byron Richards, CCN, reported that Neurontin and Lyrica are a death sentence for new brain synapses. Today there is more evidence to support the adverse effects these drugs have on the nervous system. If you have used one of these drugs or are currently using them, there is even more incentive to protect your nerves and reverse damage.


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