
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 39

Weight Loss Before Pregnancy

If you are struggling with body weight prior to pregnancy you are wrestling with an inefficient leptin system that will invariably increase the risk for problems during and following pregnancy. Whenever possible, you should be at a proper body weight for at least six months prior to getting pregnant. Minimally, you should have weight issues trending...

Sleep as Part of a Hormonal Symphony

When your energy level is clicking along nicely during the day, and turns off properly at night, there is an unmistakable feeling of being in sync. Your body must coordinate the function of over 100 trillion cells in order for you to feel in sync, which is done with hormones (substances that give management-like orders). Your brain responds to hormonal...

Maximize Your Fat Burning During Sleep

In the course of a 24-hour time period your prime fat burning opportunity is at night while you are sleeping but only if you allow it to happen. Of course you burn extra calories when you exercise or are physically active, but in terms of your basal metabolism of fat, nighttime rules!Following a meal you tend to burn calories for energy mostly from sugar...

Reduce Snoring: Fat May be the Problem

Snoring is a common problem that interferes with the health of the person who snores and the person who is disturbed by their partner snoring. The number one cause of snoring is how much fat you consume. The number two cause is what you weigh. If any factor in each of the previous sections is a problem for you, it typically is contributing to your snoring...

Menstrual Struggles

The menstrual cycle is one of the most energy-demanding functions in the female body, requiring the energy output of 8 hours of construction work a day for the week prior to it starting -- on top of everything else that has to be done. Because your menstrual cycle is about survival of our species, its energy needs will take priority over any other energy...

Complex Thyroid Problems

Individuals are quite confused by many thyroid-related medical terms that are bantered about: hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, elevated thyroid autoantibodies, or Hashimoto's thyroiditis to name a few. Oftentimes an individual will have all the symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid yet lab tests come back normal. In other cases, lab tests do not come back...


Showing 6 of 40

08 02, 2008

Protect Your Bones During Weight Loss

There is a right way to lose weight and a wrong way. The wrong way is to go on a starvation low-calorie diet and induce the leptin starvation response. When this happens you lose bone mass and weight, and you are much more likely to gain the weight back later. New research shows that the jolt to your bones may continue even after the weight loss has...

12 10, 2008

Oprah's Weight Is National News – Again

I have warned repeatedly that no person can win a willpower battle with out-of-control leptin. Oprah is the living proof, the yo-yo dieter who is the poster child for leptin problems.

07 02, 2011

Is a Starvation Diet the Remedy for the Diabetes Epidemic?

Global health authorities were recently shocked to find that cases of type 2 diabetes have doubled across the world in the past three decades. Drugs to treat the problem are proving an utter failure. And a 600 calorie-per-day starvation diet was proven to reverse the problem in patients diagnosed within the past four years.

03 18, 2019

The Keto Diet: Know the Risks

Before you try the keto diet, read this. There are pros and cons to this diet. Make sure you familiarize yourself with both sides before you consider it as your diet.


Showing 6 of 44
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