
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 69

The Importance of the Leptin Diet

Leptin is a hormone that comes from your fat cells, travels up to your brain, and regulates your metabolism and rate of fat burning and thyroid function. Women have more leptin than men which establishes their naturally higher percentage of body fat. Fat, in turn, helps maintain higher estrogen levels. Leptin problems cause a disruption in insulin...

Thyroid, Leptin, and Weight Management

It is very common that individuals who are overweight have a majority of the symptoms associated with a sluggish thyroid function. This is especially true for those who have a history of yo-yo dieting or have difficulty losing weight by cutting back on calories and trying to exercise more. Leptin is known as the fat-hormone, as it is made in your white...

Blood Sugar

Your body maintains a relatively small amount of blood sugar in your circulation on a fasting basis (about one teaspoon per five quarts of blood). Following a meal your blood sugar levels naturally rise, as sugar, which is fuel for energy, is distributed around your body. This activity requires proper function of the hormones insulin and leptin. Once the...

Bone Health

Strong bones, bone density, optimal bone mass, bone growth, and bone rejuvenation are all topics vital to the quality of your health. Premium-quality minerals, vitamin D, vitamin K, and other important bone-building nutrients are essential to provide adequate nutrition for the ongoing process of bone rejuvenation.*New science shows that managing the...

Cellulite Reduction

The problems that result in cellulite are multifaceted and reflect underlying difficulties throughout your body that are predictive of a wear and tear trend. Cellulite is experienced by 90% of women and 10% of men, indicating that estrogen-related issues are a key aspect of the problem. Men who develop the problem typically have low androgens (low...

Prenatal Nutrition

Your nutritional status prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy is essential to the health and development of your child. Ensure you get the highest quality, most important nutrients and vitamins for prenatal health. Preparing for Pregnancy Ideally, you should be of proper body weight and eat in harmony with the fat and pregnancy hormone...


Showing 6 of 349

01 25, 2013

Thyroid Hormone, Leptin, and Coordination

Are you bumping into things too often? Impaired coordination is one of the first signs of sluggish thyroid function. Even if your thyroid lab numbers are normal, you may benefit from thyroid nutrition.

04 10, 2013

Fiber, Leptin, and Weight Loss

Dietary fiber is one of the fundamentals of a healthy diet. A lack of adequate dietary fiber will eventually stall any weight loss efforts.

09 04, 2008

A New Leptin Link to Fertility

Brand new research has established that when leptin registers properly in your brain, signifying nutritional adequacy, an energetic gene switch is thrown called TORC1. TORC1 then activates multiple genes associated robust energy use, including genes that enable a woman to become pregnant (KISS1).

04 28, 2008

Leptin, Adiponectin, and Kidney Disease

New research now shows that the drop in a fat hormone called adiponectin is associated with an inflammatory-driven decline in kidney function. By fixing leptin problems adiponectin can be elevated to natural levels and the risk for kidney disease can be lowered.


Showing 6 of 297

03 02, 2009

Leptin Reduces Brain Injury

Leptin Is Induced in the Ischemic Cerebral Cortex and Exerts Neuroprotection Through NF-B/c-Rel–Dependent Transcription.
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