
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 46

Weight Management and Cellulite

Fat cell fitness is an issue of immense importance. As a person gains weight fat cells expand in size and replicate, and their metabolism becomes sluggish. Problems are aggravated by high stress. Within cellulite not only are the fat cells expanding in size, they are being knocked into irregular shapes. Fat cells naturally fill up with triglycerides when...

Successful Remodeling

Cellulite, once in motion, can be described as a remodeling job gone bad. It is not that your body does not know how to fix itself. It is not that estrogen is supposed to be causing this problem. During evolution your genes did not have to figure out how to deal with excessive pollution, unrelenting stress, a lack of fitness, poor diet quality, and too...

Leptinal & Healthy Fat Cells

Leptinal® supports cholesterol fitness in a variety of novel ways.Fat cells within stored fat use small fragments of cholesterol to stabilize the structure of their cell membranes. When a person gains weight these fat cells expand in size, stressing the actual structure of the fat cell. The stressed fat cells send out a call to the liver for more...

Stress & Immunity

Because your immune system needs optimal energy and a "resting tone" of fitness in order to be well prepared, factors that induce energy depletion and wear and tear, especially stress, are key factors to change so as to keep your immune system in a more optimal state of readiness.The best supplements to help energy production and stress management, while...

Muscles & Immunity

Muscles represent the largest reserve of protein in your body. Having adequate protein in reserves, especially in a time of need, is important for a sustained optimal immune response. Muscle fitness in general, as long as exercise itself is not excessive, tends to condition muscles in such a way as to contribute to a baseline of healthy immune function....

Blood Sugar and Leptin

Leptin orchestrates blood sugar and insulin metabolism through central mechanisms in your nervous system and by communicating to your pancreas to stop insulin production at the end of a meal. When these systems are running smoothly they help you maintain a healthy weight and stay on a healthy weight management program. Key nutrients in Cinnamon Plus™ and...


Showing 6 of 123

02 04, 2010

How Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Health

The way modern medicine treats cardiovascular patients you would think that anyone with a problem is so brittle they need to be considered a humpty-dumpty about ready to fall off a wall. This logic is extended to exercise wherein individuals are cautioned not to overdo it. A new study shows that it is the force of the blood moving through your...

09 11, 2007

Even a Moderate Weight Problem Increases Heart Disease Risk

One-third of Americans are obese, two-thirds are overweight. A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine issues a major wake up call. The risk for developing heart disease in moderately overweight people is 32%, for obese people it is 81%. Even if a person has normal levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, being moderately overweight...

10 11, 2010

A Lifetime Of Exercise Results in Large Health Improvement

An analysis of the oxygen-uptake capacity of life-long Swedish skiers over age 90 has found that they have twice the maximum capacity for oxygen uptake as elderly who do not exercise and their muscle function is on par with individuals half their age.

04 02, 2012

The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #1 – Overview and Basic Needs

Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.

09 19, 2011

Aerobics Beats Weight Lifting for Loss of Belly Fat

Researchers at Duke University conducted an eight-month study on aerobics (12 miles jogging per week) compared to weight lifting (3 heavy sessions per week) in overweight individuals aged 18 to 70. Aerobic exercise burned 70 percent more calories, reduced fatty liver and abdominal fat, lowered liver enzymes (liver inflammation), and improved insulin...


Showing 6 of 59
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