
Health Topics


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10 17, 2016

Antidepressants Cause Bone Loss, Breaks

Increasing evidence shows adverse effects of antidepressant medications on bone health. Discover natural ways to strengthen bones and support your mood.

09 21, 2015

Leaky Gut Syndrome: More Than Just a Gut Problem

Leaky gut syndrome is associated with digestive problems such as gluten intolerance and IBS, as well as autoimmune issues, inflammation, anxiety, fatigue, skin rashes, obesity, fatty liver, neurological issues, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and more. Learn how to solve this important issue and improve your health.

10 24, 2016

Mold Allergies and Toxins - Damaging Effects Must Be Managed

Mold toxins are invariably present all around us. Chronic sinus problems, brain fog, unrelenting fatigue, ice pick headaches and increased gut permeability are signs of a struggle with mold allergies. It is not a matter of if we are exposed, rather how well our detoxification abilities can handle the toxic effects. Is your body keeping up?

12 05, 2006

Big Pharma Trojan Horses Permeate Supplement Industry

Today I received an e-mail from the Natural Products Association (NPA) asking me to support the Dietary Supplement and Non-Prescription Drug Consumer Protection Act (the “AER bill”). Apparently they do not know I am one of the most outspoken critics of this legislation. I have already posted two articles on this topic for NWV, one in July and one in...


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