
Health Topics

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Natural Remedies for Constipation

At least one good bowel movement per day is necessary for health. Two or three bowl movements per day are fine, but not required. If you get constipated, it is a major plumbing problem and consequently stresses all aspects of detoxification. Many times adequate fiber (Fiber Helper™) is enough to keep your bowels moving along and suggestions given in the...


Showing 6 of 117

05 27, 2012

Gut Flora Can Alter Eating Behavior

The idea that the type of bacteria you have in your digestive tract can actually determine your eating behavior is something to pause for a moment and think about. I am saying that completely foreign bacteria can direct your subconscious brain how to behave in relation to food intake, a statement that is consistent with the latest study on the subject.

02 13, 2008

Zero-Calorie Saccharin Makes Rats Fat

The latest salvo fired off at the multi-billion dollar sweetener industry found that feeding rats zero-calorie saccharin (the main component of Sweet n' Low), compared to actually eating sugar, caused them to eat more food in general as well as depressed their metabolic response to food – a double negative that readily promoted weight gain.

04 02, 2009

An American Epidemic of Fat Blobs

Little fat blobs in your circulation, known as triglycerides, are now shown to be excessively elevated in 33% of Americans. These little fat blobs are turning out to be the best predictor of heart disease, especially when they are measured on a non-fasting basis.

05 31, 2008

Do You Eat What You Know You Should Be Eating?

There appears to be a very large disconnect between what a person knows they should be eating and what they tend to eat. New research is demonstrating that emotional states of feeling, otherwise known as stress eating, take priority over logic when it comes to consuming food.

01 05, 2011

A Family History of Alcoholism Means Obesity Could be Knocking at Your Door

Researchers have now established that the rate of obesity in women, and to some degree men, is rapidly rising in those whose parents have a history of excess alcohol use. It means that those most likely to succumb to eating extra sweet, salty, and fatty foods are those with in inherited weakness relating to addiction.


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