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Wellness Resources Squalene
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An excellent nutrient for healthy skin and natural oil moisture on the skin.*
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$38.00 $28.50
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Hair, Skin & Nails Supplement
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Hair, Skin & Nails

Hair, Skin, Nails is designed to improve skin elasticity and hydration, hair follicle health, and...
90 capsules
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$44.00 $33.00
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repair supplement package
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$166.00 $124.50
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Health Topics

Showing 6 of 33

Maximize Your Fat Burning During Sleep

In the course of a 24-hour time period your prime fat burning opportunity is at night while you are sleeping but only if you allow it to happen. Of course you burn extra calories when you exercise or are physically active, but in terms of your basal metabolism of fat, nighttime rules!Following a meal you tend to burn calories for energy mostly from sugar...

Niacin & Cardiovascular Support

Niacin has been extensively used for the past fifty years to support healthy lipid metabolism and circulation. It helps widen your blood vessels which helps your arteries to naturally relax. Many forms of niacin have an undesirable flushing effect. In our product we use a safe and effective non-flushing form of niacin called inositol hexanicotinate (IHN)....

Thyroid and Cholesterol

Proper thyroid function is an important aspect of cholesterol fitness. Every cell in your body uses small fragments of cholesterol for needed metabolic functions, including the support system to maintain the three-dimensional structure of the cell itself. The rate that cholesterol is used by your cells is governed by thyroid hormone. If thyroid function...

Weight Management and the Importance of Detox

Random fat sampling by the EPA shows that all Americans store fat-soluble toxins from common chemical exposures in their fat. This is a testament to the amount of pollution we face. Some of these, like PCBs, which are proven to elevate in your blood as they are released from fat when you lose weight, can be quite toxic. You must be able to get toxins out...

Reduce Excess Lactic Acid and Cellular Waste

When your cells are working well and making energy properly they are fairly clean burning engines, making less trash. As cell function declines they start to pour a lot of black smoke out their exhaust, in the form of lactic acid and other inflammatory by-products. This changes the pH in the fluid around cells, stressing circulation to and from cells....

Liver Detox: Get Rid of Toxins

The toxic waste from cells heads through your lymph and towards two major thoracic ducts, which dump back into major veins that go to your liver for final toxin processing. If you inhale or ingest something toxic then the toxins enter your circulation and head directly to your liver. When your liver does a good job it is keeping your blood clean of trash,...


Showing 6 of 115

05 13, 2008

Obesity Increases the Risk for Mental Decline

A new study shows that obese individuals have a 40% increased risk for dementia and an 80% increased risk for Alzheimer's. Significant mental decline affects 10% of the elderly population and rates of Alzheimer's are up 20% - consistent with the increase in obesity. There is no reason this has to happen.

04 02, 2012

The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #1 – Overview and Basic Needs

Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.

11 19, 2006

A Bombshell Drops on Cholesterol Medication's Glass House

It had to happen sooner or later. On October 3, 2006, after extensive review of all studies relating to cholesterol-lowering benefits by statin drugs, scientists reporting in the Annals of Internal Medicine pulled the rug out from under the current government-sanctioned cholesterol levels for reducing cardiovascular disease. Their conclusion, “current...

08 20, 2012

Insulin, Leptin, and Blood Sugar – Why Diabetic Medication Fails

Type 2 diabetes is a difficult metabolic problem. It is a national embarrassment that so many of our young people are becoming type 2 diabetic. It is a national disgrace that millions of type 2 diabetic patients are being injured with commonly used diabetic medications that are known to make their metabolic situation worse.

02 20, 2011

How Overweight Children Start Hardening Their Arteries

A new study of 151 obese children and adolescents identifies key mechanisms that show how the process of plaque and calcium accumulation begins to build in early stages in young people This sets them on a path for future cardiovascular disease. There were two key differences between obese children who were already developing thickening of their carotid...


Showing 6 of 127

08 25, 2009

Sticky Blood Induces Protective Adaptation

Hypercoagulability Inhibits Monocyte Transendothelial Migration Through Protease-Activated Receptor-1–, Phospholipase-C–, Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase–, and Nitric Oxide–Dependent Signaling in Monocytes and Promotes Plaque Stability.