
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 197

05 18, 2009

Stress Leads to Adolescent Obesity

The greater the amount of stress the more likely a child is to be overweight. Managing stress and solving problems are key life skills at any age and it is never to young to learn. Children unable to manage stress well may “stress eat” and may not feel like exercising, factors that really work against healthy metabolism.

02 02, 2013

Childhood Diet Contributes to Later-Life IQ

Researchers followed 3,966 children for 8.5 years, tracking their diets and measuring their IQs. The bottom line is clear; the better children eats, the smarter they are. The United States needs to think in terms of optimizing its human potential.

12 30, 2010

Top 10 Health Stories of 2010

2010 is a year marked by an explosion in gene-related nutritional science, with significant findings to improve the health of one and all. In contrast, the same type of gene science applied to the function of commonly used drugs is showing their true colors. These toxic poisons should be avoided for all but the most desperate use in true medical...

10 25, 2008

Mom's Mood Influences Baby's Sleep

We have known for a long time that children born to parents who don't sleep well are likely to have sleep problems. A new study is shedding more light on this issue, indicating that the fetal programming that takes places while in the womb may have a profound effect on a baby's sleep pattern.


Showing 6 of 128