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Muscle Mag

    Muscle Mag

    Helps reduce muscle tightness by reducing lactic acid formation. Muscle Mag helps your body get a better response from exercise and daily activities.*
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    Health Topics


    Showing 6 of 271

    02 21, 2012

    Animal Protein Linked to Healthier Bones

    Many proponents of the acid-alkaline theory of health believe that animal protein is acid forming because if you bake it in an oven acid ash is what is left. Such people then go on to claim that since animal protein is acid forming it leeches calcium out of bones and causes bone loss, even though not a single study has ever demonstrated this happening....

    01 11, 2008

    The Delusion of Bone Drugs

    Women across the country are being duped to consume billions of dollars worth of bone poisons under the false pretense that if they take them long enough they will not develop osteoporosis. Even the FDA is becoming alarmed by the side effects of these bone drugs. The biggest selling drug in this class is called Fosamax, made by Merck – the very same...

    05 08, 2008

    Is Long Life in Your Bones?

    Most people think of bone issues in terms of osteoporosis or concerns about breaking them, which are important issues as something like a hip fracture can lead to an increased rate of mortality. However, bones are now recognized as a metabolic powerhouse intimately involved with cardiovascular health, diabetes risk, immunity, inflammation, and...

    11 16, 2008

    FDA Sides with Big Pharma on Bone Drugs

    FDA management is doing everything in its power to keep the Big Pharma bubble from bursting. A case in point is that of the bone drugs, one of the great scams of all time.


    Showing 6 of 552