
Showing 5 of 29
Stress Helper 90 capsules

    Stress Helper

    Provides excellent nutrients for stress tolerance, reducing food cravings from stress, and weight management. Supports adrenal health and improves mental clarity and mood.*
    20% off!
    $48.00 $38.40
    In Stock
    Immune Plus 150 Capsules

      Immune Plus

      An excellent supplement for efficient immune cell function. It specifically supports healthy lymph...
      20% off!
      $30.00 $24.00
      In Stock
      coral calcium

        Coral Calcium

        Highly absorbable coral calcium powder with magnesium. In the preferred 2:1 calcium to magnesium ratio.
        150 grams
        20% off!
        $35.00 $28.00
        In Stock
        Daily Detoxify 90 capsules

          Daily Detoxify

          Top nutritional supplement for the liver. Supports the natural processes of detoxification.*
          20% off!
          $42.00 $33.60
          In Stock

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 33

          Tips for Those with Fibromyalgia

          One of the nutritional challenges in trying to help people who are struggling with fibromyalgia is to help them get their natural detoxification systems in better working condition. A person with fibro will usually think they need every single product described in this detoxification section.In reality they just need to get started and see how they do....

          Common Digestive Problems

          The most common digestive complaints involve indigestion, heartburn, gas, and bloating. If you lack digestive enzyme power, the acid and alkali components of food chemically interact, forming gas and heartburn—commonly known as simple indigestion. The first remedy is to take Digestive Helper™ before, with, or following your meal. Another common cause of...

          Bowel Motility and Detoxification

          Bowel transit time and having well-formed stools are clear signs of digestive health. It is important to move digestive contents along in a timely manner to facilitate the clearance of toxins and avoid gastrointestinal (GI) irritation. GI irritation results from toxicity in the GI tract, and what is even worse, these toxins can re-enter your body (the...

          Natural Remedies for Constipation

          At least one good bowel movement per day is necessary for health. Two or three bowl movements per day are fine, but not required. If you get constipated, it is a major plumbing problem and consequently stresses all aspects of detoxification. Many times adequate fiber (Fiber Helper™) is enough to keep your bowels moving along and suggestions given in the...

          Bacteria Balance, Candida, Yeast

          Our bodies have evolved in relationship to the environment for three billion years. We have developed symbiotic and synergistic relationships with other living organisms. Our digestive tracts are a great example of this relationship, since the intestinal tract is lined with trillions of bacteria and yeasts that are totally foreign (non-human living cells)...

          Reflux & Heartburn

          One of the biggest causes of heartburn after meals is poor digestion. Low stomach acid, stress, a back-up of bile, constipation, large meals, and a lack of digestive enzyme power can cause a slowed emptying of the stomach’s contents, thus pushing the content of food upward on the muscle that usually holds the stomach contents down. Acid reflux occurs...


          Showing 6 of 206

          03 06, 2009

          Fat Accumulates Differently in Diabetic Patients

          A new study proves that where you store fat determines your risk for becoming type II diabetic. Using advanced whole body magnetic resonance imaging 93 overweight individuals were analyzed. Diabetic patients had higher levels of visceral fat (abdominal and around organs).

          12 06, 2010

          Essential Fatty Acids Increase Blood Flow to Muscles During Exercise

          Exercise is rejuvenating and life-extending. The ability to get a good response to exercise depends on a variety of factors, with a net result of improved oxygen utilization. Essential fatty acids, especially DHA, are health promoting substances. A new study shows that essential fatty acids enhance blood flow to muscles during exercise.

          12 19, 2008

          Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

          With all of the holiday sweets and parties, it can be hard to stay on a weight loss program. Here are five tips to help you keep weight off this holiday season!

          10 19, 2011

          Green Veggies Help Train Digestive Immune System

          In a stunning discovery researchers have shown for the first time how green vegetables are required to activate and maintain specialized lymphocytes (immune cells) that line your digestive tract. These special immune cells not only protect against foreign invasion, they help to maintain harmony in the foreign cells that are naturally part of your...

          03 18, 2011

          Shockingly High Rates of Hypertension in America

          One in four U.S. adults has high blood pressure. The rate is highest for those over 65 – a whopping 59%. Ages 45 to 64 comes in at 34%. This problem, as a public health issue, is made worse by people who do nothing to improve themselves and ironically by taking medications to lower blood pressure. Good blood pressure because you are healthy is always...


          Showing 6 of 234