
Showing 6 of 45
Vitamin K Complex

    K, Vitamin K Complex

    Vitamin K1 and two biologically active forms of vitamin K2 (MK-4 and MK-7) to support bone strength and arterial health.*
    90 capsules
    20% off!
    $24.00 $19.20
    In Stock
    Daily Builder

      Daily Builder

      Structural support for bones, muscles, cartilage, and connective tissue. *
      180 capsules
      20% off!
      $35.00 $28.00
      In Stock
      Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

        Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

        Complete prenatal multivitamin. A foundation of superior quality nutrients to support preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum health.*
        20% off!
        $33.00 $26.40
        In Stock
        cardio supplement package
        • Pack
        25% off!
        $220.00 $165.00
        In Stock
        Blood Booster

          Blood Booster

          High quality iron bisglycinate, a true protein/iron complex. The form of iron highly absorbable and does not induce iron-related digestive distress or constipation.*
          180 capsules
          20% off!
          $38.00 $30.40
          In Stock
          Jump-Start Total Support Package
          • Pack
          25% off!
          $360.95 $270.71
          On Backorder

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 46

          Dietary Supplements & Quality

          Multiple factors contribute to nutrient deficiencies in the general population. Such factors include crops grown in nutrient deficient soils, animals raised in inhumane and unhealthy conditions, a lack of fresh food, excess consumption of junk food, heavily processed convenience foods, genetically-modified foods, along with preservatives, additives and...

          Energizing Multivitamin

          Wellness Resources® Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ was originally designed to help people who had little or no energy. This multivitamin truly helps turn on energy production. Part of our secret is using all coenzyme forms of B vitamins, which are the actual type of B vitamins your cells use to make energy. Ordinary B vitamin supplements or B vitamins in...

          Comprehensive Bone Building

          Building and growing bones has similarities to building a house, in that adequate raw materials must be on hand or the construction work cannot be done in an optimal way. A variety of primary nutrients are required for normal bone density and strength, including protein, calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium (like plywood and 2 x 4s). In addition to these...

          Bone Health Nutrients

          Various nutrients may assist bone to maintain its normal structure.* Nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are integral to the health of bone. Various cofactor nutrients like vitamin K, manganese, and silica play important roles in bone integrity. High quality forms of these basic bone-building nutrients are found inDaily Bone Xcel™ and/or...

          Coenzyme Q10 & Blood Pressure

          A 2007 meta analysis of all Q10 clinical trials relating to blood pressure showed that Q10 is indeed a helpful nutrient for blood pressure fitness. It is well known that Q10 is highly concentrated in the heart and a great nutrient to support the energy production needs of the heart. An efficiently working heart muscle is required for optimal blood...

          Managing NF-kappaB

          Just as your home must stand up to the ravages of weather over time, so it is that your bones must accommodate the stressors and wear and tear factors in your life. It is simple math, do you have adequate rejuvenation to offset the demands and pressures you are under?Central to this equation is a gene signal known as NF-kappaB, which is the basic...


          Showing 6 of 32

          10 22, 2009

          More Doctors Take Vitamins than Get a Flu Vaccine

          72% of physicians and 89% of nurses take vitamins each year. 51% of physicians and 59% of nurses classify themselves as regular consumers of dietary supplements. In comparison, only 42% of health professionals get a seasonal flu vaccine – a number that is inching up this year due to extreme pressure.

          02 12, 2008

          Overweight Lacking Key Basic Nutrients

          Norwegian researchers found that overweight individuals were significantly lacking in vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. This lack of nutrients was associated with a mild elevation


          Showing 6 of 343

          04 14, 2008

          Colon Cancer, Vitamin D, and Calcium

          Effect of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on markers of apoptosis in normal colon mucosa: Results from a randomized clinical trial.