
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 25

Exercise Tips to Improve Leptin & Fat Burning

Aerobics is an excellent fat burning exercise, especially when you are fit enough to do a one hour aerobic session. Of course strength training, stretching, relaxing, walking, and general physical activity are equally important.Aerobic exercise is proven to help curb your appetite. It has been shown to increase BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)...

Eating Food Before Sleep

While it is quite obvious that you can't eat and sleep at the same time, there is a profound inter-relationship in the way eating and sleep influence each other. For example, when you don't get enough sleep you are going to be tired and your body will feel stressed easier. This causes you to eat more food to try and get energy, especially if youre having...

Maximize Your Fat Burning During Sleep

In the course of a 24-hour time period your prime fat burning opportunity is at night while you are sleeping but only if you allow it to happen. Of course you burn extra calories when you exercise or are physically active, but in terms of your basal metabolism of fat, nighttime rules!Following a meal you tend to burn calories for energy mostly from sugar...

Exercise Tips to Improve Leptin & Fat Burning

Aerobics is an excellent fat burning exercise, especially when you are fit enough to do a one hour aerobic session. Of course strength training, stretching, relaxing, walking, and general physical activity are equally important.Aerobic exercise is proven to help curb your appetite. It has been shown to increase BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)...

GI Irritation, Nausea, and Diarrhea

The outer cells of the inside lining of your GI tract are renewed every 24 hours. Cells several layers deep are renewed every three days. This fast turnover of mucous-producing cells is needed to maintain the structural integrity of the lining of the GI tract. If this natural process of repair is not functioning at an optimal pace then adverse effects of...

Body Repair

In some ways having to deal with fibromyalgia on a day in and day out basis is like having your body subjected to battle the battlefield being the inside of your body. Part of getting on track is naturally rejuvenating your body tissues, joints, and muscles. Best results occur as you use such nutrition in combination with a moderate and consistent...


Showing 6 of 78

08 08, 2011

Exercise At Every Age Boosts Brain Function

Researchers evaluated the findings from 111 recent studies on exercise and brain function and came to the conclusion that both aerobics and strength training are of great value to brain health at every age. This is especially the case for helping to maintain cognitive function in older age.

08 21, 2010

Linking Your Brain, Inflammation, Social Stress and Disease Risk

The impact of social connectedness on health is becoming an intriguing area of research far more important than previously thought. I recently reported the astounding 50% risk reduction in mortality when individuals are socially connected. Two new studies lend even more insight into the importance of this issue.

12 11, 2007

Fitness More Important than Obesity for Survival in Elderly

An interesting new study in older Americans shows very clearly that those who are the most fit live the longest. Fit fatter people live longer than thin unfit people. Of course, those who are overweight have a tendency to become unfit – a bad combination. It is now also clear that those overweight early in life are more likely to get a variety of...

01 24, 2012

Reduced Cellular Perception Can Cause Obesity

Do the cells in your body have two eyeballs to look about and see what is going on around them? Well, not exactly. What they do have is an exceptionally high-tech antenna, called primary cilia, projecting out from the surface of every cell in your body. New research proves that disruption of these cilia cause out-of-control eating and obesity.

07 15, 2009

Early-life Stress Primes Inflammatory Genes for Later-life Disease Risk

Children enduring high stress while being raised program inflammatory genes (NF-kappaB and IL-6) to be in a state of heightened anticipation. While this may be necessary to deal with the associated problems of such stress, a new study shows that it is a clear disadvantage by the time the person reaches their 50s and 60s, as they are at much greater risk...

04 07, 2009

Common Traits of the Long Lived

The oldest living person, Gertrude Baines, just turned 115. It appears that the secret to her longevity may not be so mysterious, and may boil down to enjoyment of life's simple pleasures.


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