
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 96

02 29, 2016

Asthma, Methylation, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Roundup

Researchers are finding that problems with methylation defects, increased intestinal permeability, food allergies and intolerances, environmental toxins, and Roundup exposure underlie or worsen asthma disorders.

06 20, 2016

Dementia Risk Linked with Common Medications

Drugs like Benadryl, Coumadin, Sominex, Klonopin, Detrol, Flexeril, Lasix, and Elavil have something in common. They are classified as anticholinergic medications and all negatively affect acetylcholine, the memory neurotransmitter. Thankfully, there are natural options that can help your memory recover from use of these medications and even improve the...

02 27, 2017

Chronic Venous Insufficiency - Managing Stagnant Fluids and Inflammation in the Legs

Swollen ankles and legs, sock lines, varicose veins, and aching legs are some common indications of poor circulation in the legs also known as chronic venous insufficiency. Lying with your feet up at night to reduce the aching and swelling doesn’t have to be your nightly ritual anymore. Several nutrients have been found to be helpful in supporting healthy...

06 26, 2011

Digestive Problems Can Cause Anxiety and Depression

It has long been known that stress can wreak havoc with your digestive tract. Two new studies are proving that the sword cuts both directions. Problems in your digestive tract can wreak havoc in your brain, causing anxiety and depression.

10 17, 2016

Antidepressants Cause Bone Loss, Breaks

Increasing evidence shows adverse effects of antidepressant medications on bone health. Discover natural ways to strengthen bones and support your mood.

09 21, 2015

Leaky Gut Syndrome: More Than Just a Gut Problem

Leaky gut syndrome is associated with digestive problems such as gluten intolerance and IBS, as well as autoimmune issues, inflammation, anxiety, fatigue, skin rashes, obesity, fatty liver, neurological issues, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and more. Learn how to solve this important issue and improve your health.


Showing 6 of 159