
Health Topics

Showing 4 of 22

Optimizing Children's Intelligence after Preganacy

Pregnancy and lactation offer a tremendous window of opportunity to support optimal brain development for your child. Many nutrients are involved with higher-level brain function. These include sulfur-rich protein, B vitamins, iodine, and DHA. All of these have been discussed extensively in this section and/or in the section on Prenatal Supplements.When...

Protein Needed for Baby's Growth

Protein is by far the most important macro nutrient needed during pregnancy. It is required for construction of your baby's body. Protein malnutrition is a serious problem and can result in premature delivery, poor brain development, immune system weakness, and a failure to maximize genetic potential during fetal development.Our government has arbitrarily...

DHA for Brain & Eyesight Development

DHA is required for optimal brain and eyesight development. If you want a smart child, don't skimp on DHA. DHA is an essential fatty acid that is lacking in our processed food supply -- compared to evolution. Unfortunately, some of the now best sources of DHA, salmon and tuna, are typically high in mercury. No pregnant woman should expose herself to...

Prenatal Iodine: Great for Intelligence

Iodine is essential for brain function and intelligence. Since 2001, there have been numerous studies showing the importance of iodine during pregnancy, not only to help your thyroid work better, but specifically for the cognitive and neurological development of your child.It is important to understand that there is a window of time, especially the first...


Showing 6 of 175

08 29, 2007

Prenatal Programming of Obesity

A new study confirms a growing body of information that the health of the mother during pregnancy has a profound affect on the potential for future obesity. In the new study it was shown that high blood sugar during pregnancy doubles the risk for obesity between ages 5-7. Women entering pregnancy in an overweight condition and/or who eat poorly during...

03 01, 2013

Veggies & Folate for Healthier Babies

Two studies help drive home the point that high quality nutrition during pregnancy can have a profound effect on the future health of one's child.

10 11, 2011

Overeating Moms Program Their Children for Future Obesity

A rather sobering animal study drives home the point that mothers eating too much food prior to and during pregnancy program the physiology of the offspring to be obese even before the child has had anything to eat! The study shows that offspring subjected to a mother's dietary abuse have higher body fat and smaller livers--factors that set the stage for...

07 17, 2011

How Stress is Inherited: Implications for Asthma Risk

Changes in the sequence of genes take tens of thousands of years of adaptation. In theory this would mean that the stress felt by a mother during pregnancy would not be genetically passed on to the child. However, new science shows another mechanism for genetically passing along stress. And a second study indicates that one of the adverse health...

04 22, 2009

Oral Health and Gestational Diabetes

A new study shows that pregnant women with gum problems face increased risk for developing diabetes during pregnancy, which significantly increases their risk for developing type II diabetes later in their life.


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