
Health Topics

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Prenatal Nutrition

Your nutritional status prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy is essential to the health and development of your child. Ensure you get the highest quality, most important nutrients and vitamins for prenatal health. Preparing for Pregnancy Ideally, you should be of proper body weight and eat in harmony with the fat and pregnancy hormone...

Adrenal Hormone Replacement and Glandulars

In our years of clinical experience, we have seen that it is far better to build your own adrenal hormones from nutrition than to try to replace hormones. This is a safer and more natural way to balance your health. Direct hormone replacement often behaves unpredictably in people. Hormones work as a grand symphony, and you want to get them all working in...

Blood Pressure Basics

Diet, exercise, stress management, and dietary supplements form a comprehensive approach to healthfully managing your blood pressure fitness. It is very important to follow the Five Rules of The Leptin Diet as failing to do so excessively elevates blood fats between meals (triglycerides) which place too much sludge in your circulation and thus your system...

Beyond Basic Blood Pressure Nutrients

Many individuals have particular needs that indicate they can benefit from more comprehensive blood pressure support nutrition. For example, if you cannot follow The Leptin Diet then nutrients contained in the Leptin Control Pack are likely to help you do so and thus manage weight more effectively, in turn having a synergistic value for blood pressure...

Protein and Fiber Help Blood Sugar Health

Overweight individuals struggling to maintain healthy insulin function need high amounts of protein that is rich in branch chain amino acids, as well as higher amounts of soluble fiber. Both nutrients are needed beyond common levels of dietary recommendation, to prop up and stabilize the healthy function of insulin. High quality whey protein is the...

Weight Management and the Importance of Detox

Random fat sampling by the EPA shows that all Americans store fat-soluble toxins from common chemical exposures in their fat. This is a testament to the amount of pollution we face. Some of these, like PCBs, which are proven to elevate in your blood as they are released from fat when you lose weight, can be quite toxic. You must be able to get toxins out...


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11 29, 2009

Low-Fat Diets Do Not Facilitate Weight Loss

A European study analyzed dietary fat intake and weight gain in 89,432 men and women. It found that the percentage of dietary fat had no statistical impact on body weight, leading the researchers to conclude “These findings do not support the use of low-fat diets to prevent weight gain.”

11 07, 2007

High Fat Diet Disturbs Body Clock

Researchers conducted a simple mouse experiment that showed eating a diet too high in fat causes a disruption of the 24-hour biological clock. While their experiment is simple, and their results not unexpected, the meaning of the results is profound.

09 26, 2011

Will the hCG Diet Make You Infertile & Give You Cystic Ovaries?

The hCG diet is based on a 500 calorie per day diet, which is brutal torture to your metabolism. It is probably better than being diseased from the adverse side effects of obesity, but it would be a last ditch effort after all other reasonable options have been exhausted. The addition of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to the diet makes it even more...

07 06, 2011

Diet Soda Proves Fattening When Put to the Test

I have explained for many years that there are sweet-related leptin receptors on your tongue. When you eat something sweet this system of communication goes directly to your brain and activates metabolism to help deal with calories coming in. When the calories are absent your metabolism gets confused and you eat more food later.

08 21, 2009

Slow Down & Take Smaller Bites

One of the Five Rules of the Leptin Diet is Do Not Eat Large Meals. The problem for many is that they will eat until they feel satisfied, which oftentimes means eating more than you actually need. A new study confirms the obvious, but it is worth pointing out because it is important.


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