
Health Topics

Showing 4 of 22

Adrenal Hormone Replacement and Glandulars

In our years of clinical experience, we have seen that it is far better to build your own adrenal hormones from nutrition than to try to replace hormones. This is a safer and more natural way to balance your health. Direct hormone replacement often behaves unpredictably in people. Hormones work as a grand symphony, and you want to get them all working in...

Toxins Stress Bones

While virtually any type of stress is potential wear and tear for bones. One form, too many toxins, can wreak havoc with bone strength and optimal bone health. For example, the cadmium in cigarettes is known to displace zinc within bone structure. This means that smoking is inherently weakening to your bone mass, not only because it reduces the flow of...

The Metabolic Link to Bones

One of the most dramatic discoveries in recent times is the direct linking of bone to the natural regulation of blood sugar in your body. This new science demonstrates that bones are actually an endocrine organ. It has been found that osteoblasts secrete a protein called osteocalcin that is not only involved in the formation of bone density but acts as a...

Basic Blood Sugar Support

Cinnamon Plus™ contains cinnamon extract, coffee berry extract (decaffeinated), and banaba extract for healthy glucose metabolism. Cinnamon has been found to positively influence various health parameters often associated with proper insulin function, including natural support for healthy blood pressure and healthy metabolism of lipids (cholesterol and...


Showing 6 of 113

12 25, 2009

Top 10 Health Stories of 2009

2009 was a busy year as gene-related exploration tools opened up a treasure trove of new discoveries. We've learned why some of the obvious good health habits, like getting enough sleep and exercise are more important than ever, and we've learned new things about health that were barely imagined even a year ago. Many of the following stories are feature...

04 18, 2008

Guess What? - A Fat Stomach Craves Food

It was just discovered that belly fat cells make an appetite signal which increases as you become overweight, causing you to crave more food, which makes you even fatter in the abdominal area, in turn causing you to crave even more food.

12 30, 2010

Top 10 Health Stories of 2010

2010 is a year marked by an explosion in gene-related nutritional science, with significant findings to improve the health of one and all. In contrast, the same type of gene science applied to the function of commonly used drugs is showing their true colors. These toxic poisons should be avoided for all but the most desperate use in true medical...

01 26, 2015

Ten Things that Interfere with Thyroid Function

Thyroid health and function is an intricate web of artwork throughout the body. It is not just the thyroid gland and a single signal from the brain to the thyroid. It is a complicated web of activity throughout the brain and body down to 70 trillion cells and their cell membranes. When this web is working well, vigor, vitality, and healthy metabolic...

09 24, 2012

How Protein Helps Weight Loss

Quality protein is the single most important calorie that helps you sustain, improve, build, and enhance multiple body systems, including weight loss and management.

07 19, 2007

Obesity and Prostate Cancer

The University of Southern California has an NIH grant to explore the relationship between obesity and cancer. Researchers are now reporting what I have been stating since the release of Mastering Leptin in 2002, obesity is a significant risk factor for aggressive prostate cancer....


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