
Showing 6 of 27
Vital UT

    Vital UT

    Vital UT is a powerful blend of nutrients for urinary tract health, fluid balance, immunity, and GI...
    81 grams
    20% off!
    $37.00 $29.60
    In Stock
    Digestive Helper

      Digestive Helper

      A broad-spectrum enzymes to enhance the digestion of all types of food, including fats, dairy, protein, and gluten. Helps reduce gas or bloating.*
      100 capsules
      20% off!
      $33.00 $26.40
      In Stock
      Stress Helper 90 capsules

        Stress Helper

        Provides excellent nutrients for stress tolerance, reducing food cravings from stress, and weight management. Supports adrenal health and improves mental clarity and mood.*
        20% off!
        $48.00 $38.40
        In Stock
        Leptinal 90 caps


          Powerful omega oil and antioxidant blend to support a healthy metabolism and cardiovascular wellness.*
          20% off!
          $55.00 $44.00
          In Stock
          Repair Pack

            Repair Pack

            The Repair Pack has been discontinued. Please see the Repair Supplement Package , a grouping of...
            Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

              Q10, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

              The ubiquinol form of Q10 is an excellent antioxidant nutrient that supports cellular energy...
              60 capsules
              20% off!
              $48.00 $38.40
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 33

              Hormones and Cellulite

              Onset of cellulite in women can occur anytime after puberty, as estrogen levels rise. Higher levels of estrogen act in multiple ways to help start and perpetuate cellulite. In the formative stages of cellulite your body attempts to repair connective tissue damage by making more connective tissue. This does not work so well because pressure problems, fluid...

              Weight Management and Cellulite

              Fat cell fitness is an issue of immense importance. As a person gains weight fat cells expand in size and replicate, and their metabolism becomes sluggish. Problems are aggravated by high stress. Within cellulite not only are the fat cells expanding in size, they are being knocked into irregular shapes. Fat cells naturally fill up with triglycerides when...

              Fluid Retention, Lymph, and Vascular Changes

              The circulation to and from the cellulite area is involved in the very first changes that lead to cellulite. Once cellulite gets going the damaged connective tissue actually holds more water causing fluid pressure to build and further weaken blood vessel structures. Because these tiny blood vessels are inherently fragile, there is a reduced ability to get...

              Weight Management and the Importance of Detox

              Random fat sampling by the EPA shows that all Americans store fat-soluble toxins from common chemical exposures in their fat. This is a testament to the amount of pollution we face. Some of these, like PCBs, which are proven to elevate in your blood as they are released from fat when you lose weight, can be quite toxic. You must be able to get toxins out...

              Optimizing Children's Intelligence after Preganacy

              Pregnancy and lactation offer a tremendous window of opportunity to support optimal brain development for your child. Many nutrients are involved with higher-level brain function. These include sulfur-rich protein, B vitamins, iodine, and DHA. All of these have been discussed extensively in this section and/or in the section on Prenatal Supplements.When...

              Enzymes for Repair

              Repair Plus™ is our top product to assist your body to clean up wear and tear and support your natural processes of recovery. It is a mixture of the finest quality bromelain, papain, curcumin, and quercetin. It is our most popular supplement to help you through you day without minor aches and pains.*Bromelain (from pineapples) and papain (from papaya) are...


              Showing 6 of 115

              03 18, 2011

              Shockingly High Rates of Hypertension in America

              One in four U.S. adults has high blood pressure. The rate is highest for those over 65 – a whopping 59%. Ages 45 to 64 comes in at 34%. This problem, as a public health issue, is made worse by people who do nothing to improve themselves and ironically by taking medications to lower blood pressure. Good blood pressure because you are healthy is always...

              11 12, 2008

              New Insights on African-American Cardio Disease

              The statistics are painfully clear. African-Americans are 40% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than the white population; including a 250% increased chance for heart failure between ages 45 and 64. Conditions that increase the risk for heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes are at epidemic levels...

              12 20, 2008

              Floss for Better Cardio Health

              It is simple enough – floss and brush every day or it could be the cause of future cardiovascular disease. Numerous studies support this statement. The latest one shows that improving oral hygiene i

              02 04, 2010

              How Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Health

              The way modern medicine treats cardiovascular patients you would think that anyone with a problem is so brittle they need to be considered a humpty-dumpty about ready to fall off a wall. This logic is extended to exercise wherein individuals are cautioned not to overdo it. A new study shows that it is the force of the blood moving through your...


              Showing 6 of 127

              05 02, 2008

              Mayo Clinic Endorses Fish Oil

              Mayo Clinic Proceedings Contributors Highlight Research Findings About Cardiovascular Benefits Associated With Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

              09 12, 2012

              Vitamin K Helps Prevent Weight Gain

              Association of vitamin K status with adiponectin and body composition in healthy subjects: uncarboxylated osteocalcin is not associated with fat mass and body weight.

              01 03, 2011

              Lactoferrin's Iron Binding Function

              The role of lactoferrin in the iron metabolism. Part II. Antimicrobial and antiinflammatory effect of lactoferrin by chelation of iron.

              10 01, 2009

              Silver in Medicine

              Silver in health care: antimicrobial effects and safety in use.