
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 25

Iodine, Iron & Zinc

In addition to calcium and magnesium, various minerals may be needed in higher amounts to support healthy female hormone function. Iodine is highly concentrated in the ovaries and breasts, and helps modulate the proper metabolism of estrogen. Iron is vital for any woman who exercises a lot, is a vegetarian, has a lot of fatigue during menstruation, or has...

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a relatively natural event that is part of your body transitioning from an attempt to ripen eggs to one of no longer carrying out monthly cycles. Hot flashes tend to be more problematic if you are under more stress or worn down as you are entering menopause.* Natural approaches for menopause center on supporting healthy adrenal function,...

Stress and Digestive Health

It is always possible that stress can be the entire cause of any digestive-related symptoms. This is because there are many nerve endings in your digestive tract, and stress chemicals banging into the wall of your digestive tract can produce any symptom of indigestion, irritation, and impaired or disrupted motility. In actual practice, stress is typically...

Carbohydrate Cravings and Ghrelin

New science is shedding light on one aspect of the nature of cravings, especially for carbohydrates. Your stomachs carbohydrate-desiring hunger signal, called ghrelin, is also needed for the release of growth hormone required to repair your digestive lining. Such cravings may actually be a red flag that your digestive tract is under some form of strain...

Mary's Favorite Bone Supplements

As women, it's so important that we keep up our bone strength as we get older. It IS possible to build back bones after menopause. Our bodies are constantly breaking down old bone and building new bone. So, making sure we have enough bone building nutrition is crucial!My favorite bone building duo is Wellness Resources Daily Bone Xcel and Bone & Joint...

Sleep, Mood & Behavior

Just like adults, kids' nerves need B vitamins and minerals for healthy function. For kids, we always recommend starting with the basics. B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium are oftentimes lacking in the diet. Supplementing highly absorbable forms of these nutrients can make a difference for stress tolerance and calming nerves. Coenzyme B vitamins are in...


Showing 6 of 179

12 05, 2007

B Vitamin Deficient Parents More Likely to Produce Overweight Children

Proper health preparation prior to and during pregnancy has a profound affect on the future health of the child. The “fetal programming” that takes place is especially involved with energy regulation, formation of metabolic “hardware,” and the likelihood of obesity during childhood or even adulthood.

07 29, 2010

Bone Health Can Help Prevent Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

A unique strain of mouse was bred to have no insulin receptors on its bone-building osteoblasts, although it had insulin receptors every place else. The mouse became fat. As it aged it grew even fatter and its blood sugar levels shot up and it developed severe insulin resistance. The mouse was treated with osteocalcin and the problems reversed....

04 18, 2008

Guess What? - A Fat Stomach Craves Food

It was just discovered that belly fat cells make an appetite signal which increases as you become overweight, causing you to crave more food, which makes you even fatter in the abdominal area, in turn causing you to crave even more food.

06 06, 2008

Dairy Prevents Bone Loss During Weight Loss

A diet of lean protein and low fat dairy, along with vegetables and fruit, was able to stop bone loss during weight loss – something that our government's food pyramid guidelines could not do. Study participants consume 30% of their calories from protein, while the food pyramid recommends only 10% of calories from protein.

03 19, 2010

Bone Drugs Proven to Cause Poor Bone Quality in Humans

Two studies from the Special Surgery (HHS) and Columbia University Medical Center have confirmed the recent media attention on the extreme dangers to bone from the long-term use of bone drugs (bisphosphonates). The researchers found that after four years of use bisphosphonates had a negative effect on bones causing declining structural integrity of bone....


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