
Health Topics


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12 12, 2016

Mitochondria – Drugs that Injure and What Mitochondria Injury Looks Like

Mitochondrial damage is something that consumers need to be aware of. Many age-related and seemingly unrelated disorders occur as a result of cumulative damage to mitochondria. Unfortunately, the list of medications damaging mitochondria function continues to expand. Are your medications damaging your mitochondria and putting your health at risk?

02 02, 2013

Childhood Diet Contributes to Later-Life IQ

Researchers followed 3,966 children for 8.5 years, tracking their diets and measuring their IQs. The bottom line is clear; the better children eats, the smarter they are. The United States needs to think in terms of optimizing its human potential.

03 18, 2009

The Potential for Intelligence is Inherited

A unique brain-imaging study of identical twins and fraternal twins has shown that genes have a profound influence on the integrity of nerve cell connections, resulting in faster processing speed and potential for intelligence. The study identified that the health of the myelin sheathing of nerves was a key sign of brain health.

01 18, 2012

Linking Thyroid Problems, Anemia, Fatigue, and Loss of Cognitive Ability

The loss of cognitive function as one grows older along with the loss of efficient thyroid function is a common occurrence. This means that optimizing thyroid function is one key factor that will contribute to better mental and cognitive skills. New science is now revealing that the condition of your red blood cells is an early predictor of thyroid...

11 18, 2008

Are Vaccinations Causing Early Alzheimer's?

The issue of cognitive decline and the more advanced Alzheimer's disease is predicted to be a public health crisis in America over the next 20 years, as the swell of baby boomers hits the age when problems manifest. This past week the Wall Street Journal ran an article on a man getting Alzheimer's in his 40s, one of 500,000 Americans with early onset.

08 22, 2012

Vitamin Status Influences Physical Fitness of Teens

Spanish researchers have gone to great lengths to correlate the blood levels of a variety of nutrients to the physical fitness of teens, while controlling for many variables to help assure the validity of their findings. Their results show that lacking key nutrients can compromise physical fitness.


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