
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 45

11 04, 2018

Thyroid TSH Changes Throughout the Day

Have you ever wondered why your thyroid lab tests are normal even when you’re experiencing low thyroid symptoms? Thyroid TSH naturally fluctuates throughout the day and could explain this mystery.

03 05, 2018

Stress Induced Burnout: The Path Back to Happiness

Mental exhaustion combined with difficulty getting through the day may reflect a strong case of burnout. Those suffering from burnout will benefit from extra nutrients to offset wear-and-tear.

01 25, 2013

Thyroid Hormone, Leptin, and Coordination

Are you bumping into things too often? Impaired coordination is one of the first signs of sluggish thyroid function. Even if your thyroid lab numbers are normal, you may benefit from thyroid nutrition.

01 08, 2018

Thyroid Hormone Affects the Whole Body

Thyroid hormones affect the entire body in ways that are often not thought about. Could your health concern be related to an underlying thyroid condition?


Showing 6 of 80
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