
Showing 5 of 17
Mastering Leptin

    Mastering Leptin

    Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
    In Stock
    Stress Helper 90 capsules

      Stress Helper

      Provides excellent nutrients for stress tolerance, reducing food cravings from stress, and weight management. Supports adrenal health and improves mental clarity and mood.*
      20% off!
      $48.00 $38.40
      In Stock
      Immune Plus 150 Capsules

        Immune Plus

        An excellent supplement for efficient immune cell function. It specifically supports healthy lymph...
        20% off!
        $30.00 $24.00
        In Stock
        Muscle Mag

          Muscle Mag

          Helps reduce muscle tightness by reducing lactic acid formation. Muscle Mag helps your body get a better response from exercise and daily activities.*
          100 capsules
          20% off!
          $22.00 $17.60
          In Stock
          Daily Super Pack

            Daily Super Pack

            Convenient on-the-go packets with our top essential Daily Supplements. Cover your basic nutrient needs, improve energy naturally, and stay well with this powerful nutrient combination.*
            60 packets
            20% off!
            $149.00 $119.20
            Out of Stock. ETA 10/4 - 10/15

            Health Topics

            Showing 6 of 63

            Rate of Improvement

            Multiple systems must gradually start to work better at more or less the same time which translates to more hours in the day when energy is available. Do not try to do too much too fast. As you begin to feel better gradually do more exercise from which you can easily recover. Nutritional strategies can significantly help you improve your response to...

            Stress and Adrenals

            Stress-related systems in your body enable you to adapt to demands, cope with them, and then bounce back to a baseline of more relaxed function. These systems are strained in any person with fibromyalgia. This means stress responses may not happen at all, they may not happen at the right time, they may be exaggerated, and commonly it feels like something...

            Sleep & Immunity

            Sleep is the most important time for your immune system to do its job. Each night, as you sleep, your immune system orchestrates the housecleaning and repair activities vital to optimal health and physical well being.* Nutrients that assist your immune system to perform its nightly chores and nutrients that help you get to sleep or stay asleep are...

            Sleep as Part of a Hormonal Symphony

            When your energy level is clicking along nicely during the day, and turns off properly at night, there is an unmistakable feeling of being in sync. Your body must coordinate the function of over 100 trillion cells in order for you to feel in sync, which is done with hormones (substances that give management-like orders). Your brain responds to hormonal...

            Pleasure, Arousal, Stress, & Food Does Sleep Have a Chance?

            Don't think for a moment that the human brain is simple. It would certainly be nice if there was one on switch for awake and one off switch for sleep. As I have already explained you have a sleep department and a wakefulness department residing within your hypothalamus gland. The new science shows that you also have an arousal thermostat in your...

            Brain, Memory & Focus

            Nutrition excels at nourishing the brain and nerves. Along with a healthy diet and exercise, nutritional supplements support cognitive function at every age. Sharpen your memory, improve focus and mood, help stress tolerance, and enhance sleep and relaxation with Wellness Resources brain supplements.*


            Showing 6 of 330

            04 05, 2009

            Sleeping Problems Disturb Cardiovascular Health

            Timing is a key principle of health. Sleeping and waking are timed to the earth's 24 hour clock, and so is the health of your circulatory system. New research is discovering that timing rhythms of your body have a powerful influence on the health of the cells that line your circulatory system.

            07 28, 2014

            New Findings with Epstein Barr Virus: The Sleeping Giant

            The Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), a HHV-4 herpes virus, is one of the most common viruses found in humans. In most individuals, it has no serious consequences other than a brief, minor, cold-like illness. Normally the virus stays in the body and remains dormant throughout life. For some, this is not the case and may result in serious illness related to EBV...

            09 20, 2010

            Alarming Rate of Death Linked to Short Sleep

            A group of 741 men, average age 50, were followed for 14 years. Those with less than 6 hours per night of sleep had a 433% increased risk of death from any cause during the study period. This is an astounding number and places a new emphasis on the importance of quality sleep as one grows older.

            10 25, 2008

            Mom's Mood Influences Baby's Sleep

            We have known for a long time that children born to parents who don't sleep well are likely to have sleep problems. A new study is shedding more light on this issue, indicating that the fetal programming that takes places while in the womb may have a profound effect on a baby's sleep pattern.


            Showing 6 of 360

            02 18, 2009

            Your Need for Sleep

            Astrocytic Modulation of Sleep Homeostasis and Cognitive Consequences of Sleep Loss.
            September Sale

            OCTOBER SALE

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