
Health Topics

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Leptin Diet for Pregnant Women

Leptin is a hormone that comes from your stored body fat. It controls your metabolism, including the function of thyroid hormone. It controls your body weight. Women have a higher percentage of body fat than men, and thus higher levels of leptin even when not pregnant. This is specifically so that women have enough energy reserves to sustain pregnancy and...

B Vitamins & Folate for Prenatal Health

B vitamins are needed for the healthy function of your nervous system and for the proper development of your baby's nervous system. B vitamins are your basics for stress management and energy production. Folate is vital for brain health and plays key roles in mental and emotional health. Folate (folic acid) is now widely recommended for healthy pregnancy...

Women's Nutrition

When you feel in balance, you know it! You have good energy, mood, and stress tolerance and just feel like yourself. Your female hormone system requires tremendous energy to function healthfully. Female hormones are derived from adrenal hormone precursors, and thyroid hormone governs the rate at which both adrenal hormones and female hormones are...


Fibromyalgia essentially means that your muscles hurt too much, you have too much fatigue, you don't sleep well, you run out of gas and start hurting doing what many others consider normal activity, you have very poor stress tolerance, and your nerves feel wound up like a cat on a hot tin roof. Your ability to exercise and get a good response to exercise...

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is an irregular change in the structure of your skin, also involving changes in the fatty layers under your skin, which result in a dimpled orange peel or cottage cheese appearance. Problems occur mostly on the buttocks or thighs, and can also appear in the abdominal or pelvic regions. Onset for women is any time after puberty, with the tendency...

Minimize Toxins & Perchlorate in Breast Milk

It is a national tragedy that our food supply is contaminated with PCBs (courtesy of Monsanto, Westinghouse, General Electric, and others) and the rocket ignition fuel compound known as perchlorate (courtesy of the military). Both toxins accumulate in breast tissue and find their way into breast milk. Furthermore, PCBs cross the placenta during pregnancy....


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02 15, 2010

How Progesterone Promotes Healthy Full-Term Pregnancy

A new study by Yale researchers shows for the first time that progesterone during pregnancy directly prevents a common cause of pre-term delivery. The researchers found that progesterone helped the fetal membrane tolerate inflammation, enabling it to maintain integrity. Failure of the fetal membrane accounts for 1/3 of premature deliveries.

12 05, 2007

B Vitamin Deficient Parents More Likely to Produce Overweight Children

Proper health preparation prior to and during pregnancy has a profound affect on the future health of the child. The “fetal programming” that takes place is especially involved with energy regulation, formation of metabolic “hardware,” and the likelihood of obesity during childhood or even adulthood.


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