
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 137

08 05, 2010

How Bad Fat Programs Future Generations to Gain Weight

A new study indicates that one major factor causing today's obesity epidemic is the garbage fat diet of Americans for the past century. The Western diet is almost void of omega 3 essential fatty acids. Instead, high levels of omega 6 oils, such as corn oil and soy oil, have found their way into the food supply. Scientists show that four generations of...

01 23, 2017

Body Temperature – Thyroid, Adrenals, or Something Else?

Cold hands, cold feet, and cold nose reveal clues about circulation and body temperature. Impaired thyroid and adrenal fatigue are the most common causes of low body temperature. Learn about the key points for solving low body temperature distress.

07 22, 2019

Eye Health and Gut Health Linked

The recently discovered “gut-retina axis” describes a delicate inter-relationship between gut flora, immune cells that signal the retina, and the eye microbiome.


Showing 6 of 117

08 29, 2011

DHA and Vascular Function

DHA-rich fish oil reverses the detrimental effects of saturated fatty acids on postprandial vascular reactivity.

11 09, 2009

Lack of DHA in Carotid Artery Plaque

Diminished omega-3 fatty acids are associated with carotid plaques from neurologically symptomatic patients: Implications for carotid interventions.
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