
Showing 6 of 22
cardio supplement package
  • Pack
25% off!
$220.00 $165.00
In Stock
Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

    Q10, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

    The ubiquinol form of Q10 is an excellent antioxidant nutrient that supports cellular energy...
    60 capsules
    20% off!
    $48.00 $38.40
    In Stock
    Thyroid Helper 90 Caps

      Thyroid Helper

      Thyroid Helper contains key nutrients for healthy thyroid function and the natural activation of thyroid hormone. Naturally improve your energy, motivation, and metabolism.*
      50% off!
      $34.00 $17.00
      In Stock


        A unique magnesium formula to support sleep, stress tolerance, the normal sleep-wake cycle, and relaxation. This is a naturally relaxing, non-drowsy formula.*
        100 capsules
        20% off!
        $22.00 $17.60
        In Stock
        Female Plus

          Female Plus

          Excellent nutrients for women. Helps smooth out hormone rhythms and is supportive of the menstrual cycle or menopause.*
          60 capsules
          50% off!
          $35.00 $17.50
          In Stock
          Activator Plus
          • On sale!

          Activator Plus

          Energize your immune system with anti-fatigue, stress-busting nutrients. Reinforce antibody...
          90 tablets
          25% off!
          $29.00 $21.75
          In Stock

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 23

          Thyroid & Leptin Connection

          Overweight individuals commonly have a majority of the symptoms associated with a sluggish thyroid function. This is especially true for those who have a history of yo-yo dieting or difficulty losing weight by cutting back on calories and trying to exercise more.The healthy function of your entire thyroid system is a top-level health priority. Sluggish...

          Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby & Mother

          Breastfeeding is as important for your baby as it is for mom. The process is designed to ensure survival of the human race and is thus woven into your genes and your baby's genes in a multitude of ways -- perfected over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. No baby formula on earth can begin to approximate the benefits from your milk or the...

          Dealing with Stress During Pregnancy

          A pregnancy that is running smoothly is a huge metabolic demand on your body, in essence a form of stress in and of itself. The last thing you need is more energy-sapping stress. Trying to do too much (which can simply mean your formerly normal routine) or having to deal with emotional tension or pressures is key factors that must be managed well. Women...

          Sleep Rules

          Disturbances in your sleep pattern, either not being able to get to sleep or not being able to stay asleep, are a key sign that stress friction is affecting your nerves. Poor sleep results in poor recovery leading to a reduced energy level and more fatigue the next day. This means even less energy to deal with stress. This nasty de-energizing catch 22 can...

          Simple Case Thyroid Problems

          A common problem is that your thyroid lacks nutrients to make basic thyroid hormone, known as T4 (thyroxin), or you may lack key nutrients that help convert T4 to the biologically active T3. Your thyroid can be inflamed or stressed, which gets in the way of making T4 at an optimal rate. And your liver can be inflamed or stressed, which gets in the way of...

          Thyroid and Sleep

          When stress is either extremely intense or has been going on too long, then the relaxed reserves in your nervous system tend to deplete. This gives your brain a wired feeling, meaning you are likely to be more anxious or irritable during the day and have poorer quality sleep at night. This has a major bearing on how your subconscious brain (hypothalamus...


          Showing 6 of 21

          10 19, 2018

          Quality Spotlight: Compare B Vitamins

          B vitamins are easily depleted and supplementation can make a big difference to your health. Check the labels of your supplements and be sure you are only buying the high quality forms of B vitamins.


          Showing 6 of 69
          September Sale


          Strengthen your immune health naturally!