
Health Topics


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09 05, 2023

5 Tips to Sharpen Your Memory

Support your body to improve memory and focus! Blood sugar balance, sleep quality, exercise, stress management and more all impact your brain health.

09 04, 2009

Low Vitamin C Impairs Early Brain Development

Researchers have found that low vitamin C in early life results in 30 per cent less hippocampal neurons and markedly worse spatial memory (animal study). The researchers demonstrated the vital importance of proper vitamin C levels, showing that even a slight lack can cause significant brain development problems.

07 22, 2013

Bacopa's Long Traditional Use for Brain Health

Bacopa is an herb from Ayurveda dating back to 3500 BC. Bacopa has been used since that early time primarily for boosting memory, rejuvenation, increasing longevity and promoting childbearing. It has been used for a wide variety of brain health issues ranging from anxiety and attention deficit to more significant mental health disorders. Of particular...

12 30, 2008

Elevating Blood Sugar Ages Your Brain

Advanced-imaging brain research now proves that as blood sugar elevates there is corresponding damage to the memory center of your brain, the hippocampus.

09 15, 2012

Magnesium Boosts Brain Function

Are you getting enough magnesium? Supplementing magnesium proves to have a dramatic effect on memory and learning for all ages. Find out how much you need.


Showing 6 of 396

12 12, 2011

Curcumin, Adrenals, Memory, and Stress

Adaptogenic potential of curcumin in experimental chronic stress and chronic unpredictable stress-induced memory deficits and alterations in functional homeostasis.
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