
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 22

Sleep & Weight Loss

You must get an adequate amount of sleep in order to lose weight. Sleep is prime fat burning time. If you don't get enough you throw leptin out of balance, are tired the next day, and want to eat more to try to get your energy going. This invariably leads to overeating and weight gain.Individuals with sleep deficiency or insomnia may also have concurrent...

Sleep & Weight Loss

You must get an adequate amount of sleep in order to lose weight. Sleep is prime fat burning time. If you don't get enough you throw leptin out of balance, are tired the next day, and want to eat more to try to get your energy going. This invariably leads to overeating and weight gain.Individuals with sleep deficiency or insomnia may also have concurrent...

Protein and Fiber Help Blood Sugar Health

Overweight individuals struggling to maintain healthy insulin function need high amounts of protein that is rich in branch chain amino acids, as well as higher amounts of soluble fiber. Both nutrients are needed beyond common levels of dietary recommendation, to prop up and stabilize the healthy function of insulin. High quality whey protein is the...

Menstrual Struggles

The menstrual cycle is one of the most energy-demanding functions in the female body, requiring the energy output of 8 hours of construction work a day for the week prior to it starting -- on top of everything else that has to be done. Because your menstrual cycle is about survival of our species, its energy needs will take priority over any other energy...

Cellulite Reduction

The problems that result in cellulite are multifaceted and reflect underlying difficulties throughout your body that are predictive of a wear and tear trend. Cellulite is experienced by 90% of women and 10% of men, indicating that estrogen-related issues are a key aspect of the problem. Men who develop the problem typically have low androgens (low...

Sleep & Stress

25% off Sleep & Stress Supplements in August! Sleep is essential for your body’s rejuvenation and repair. Both the amount and quality of your sleep determine how refreshed you feel in the morning. A good night’s sleep is irreplaceable, and without it, your energy and mental focus can suffer. Nutrients can help you get to sleep, stay asleep, and...


Showing 6 of 113

05 27, 2009

Low Adiponectin Starts Cardiovascular Disease in Motion

Adiponectin and leptin are the two primary hormones secreted from your stored fat. In health, they are released in balance. As body weight rises, then leptin increases and adiponectin decreases. It has been known for some time that the lowering of adiponectin is the primary cause of insulin resistance in your liver. This new study shows that low...

08 25, 2014

Brain Fatigue 101

Are you feeling foggy or exhausted? Drained, overwhelmed, or burned out? Are you forgetting what’s on your grocery list or falling asleep when working on a project or reading? These are symptoms of brain fatigue. Brain fatigue is something that everyone has experienced on some level. It doesn’t matter what age one is; we all need to pay attention to it....

02 05, 2010

Snacking Depresses Your Immune System

German researchers have identified a highly relevant new aspect of immunity. When you haven't eaten for a while then insulin levels drop and unique genes are activated that directly stimulate the production of powerful antimicrobial peptides, in turn destroying germs by dissolving their cell walls. Conversely, snacking raises insulin which then...


Showing 6 of 34

08 29, 2008

BDNF and Obesity

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Obesity in the WAGR Syndrome