
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 101

01 26, 2015

Ten Things that Interfere with Thyroid Function

Thyroid health and function is an intricate web of artwork throughout the body. It is not just the thyroid gland and a single signal from the brain to the thyroid. It is a complicated web of activity throughout the brain and body down to 70 trillion cells and their cell membranes. When this web is working well, vigor, vitality, and healthy metabolic...

12 10, 2009

Dietary Basics Help Build New Brain Cells

A diet high in polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids is shown to help stimulate the production of new brain cells (brain stem cells) and reduce the deterioration of existing brain cells. A forty day experimental diet with mice (equivalent of five years human time) enabled researchers to analyze specific regions in the brain associated with stem...

02 13, 2008

Berry Power for Your Heart

If Big Pharma ever had a drug that could boost HDL cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and keep blood cells (platelets) from sticking together it would be the biggest blockbuster on the market today. Well, much to the chagrin of Big Pharma Mother Nature has provided several of these and a new study shows that blueberries can be added to the list.

02 04, 2010

How Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Health

The way modern medicine treats cardiovascular patients you would think that anyone with a problem is so brittle they need to be considered a humpty-dumpty about ready to fall off a wall. This logic is extended to exercise wherein individuals are cautioned not to overdo it. A new study shows that it is the force of the blood moving through your...

04 02, 2012

The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #1 – Overview and Basic Needs

Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.


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