
Health Topics


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02 23, 2015

The Many Faces of Gluten Intolerance

Gluten free. You see this label on menus and grocery items now more than ever. Books on gluten and gluten intolerance have been on the New York Times best selling list for months. It seems to be the hot topic and dietary trend. Is this a fad or is gluten intolerance real? It is a very complex topic with the knowledge about gluten intolerance expanding and...

05 02, 2016

MSM Sulfur Helps Joints, Collagen, Skin Strength, and More

Sulfur is best known as the "beauty mineral" but remarkable research within the last five years has confirmed the benefits of MSM sulfur for arthritis pain, cellular health, lung health, digestive inflammation, skin strength, and exercise recovery.

06 05, 2017

Protect Your Eyes from Drug Side Effects

While we may not think of medications affecting the eyes, it is a very real concern. Commonly prescribed medications like antibiotics, heart medications, bone drugs, and diuretics affect the whole body including the eyes, which are particularly vulnerable to the side effects of medications. Are you taking one of these vision-compromising medications?

11 30, 2015

Natural Support for Bladder Problems

Bladder and urinary tract disorders disorders can cause pain with urination or in the pelvic region, urinary frequency, burning, irritation, and night-time urination. New research offers support for the men and women who suffer from these concerns.

07 29, 2011

How to Recover from a Concussion – Athletes Take Note

New, advanced brain imaging shows that the thalamus region of the brain is significantly disturbed by a concussion, potentially resulting in excessive formation of abnormal circuits in the thalamus. Subsequently, this may alter perception, memory, mood, sleep, and coordination. In this article, I offer my theory that these alterations are driven by...


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