
Health Topics

Showing 2 of 14

Reduce Excess Lactic Acid and Cellular Waste

When your cells are working well and making energy properly they are fairly clean burning engines, making less trash. As cell function declines they start to pour a lot of black smoke out their exhaust, in the form of lactic acid and other inflammatory by-products. This changes the pH in the fluid around cells, stressing circulation to and from cells....

Liver Detox: Get Rid of Toxins

The toxic waste from cells heads through your lymph and towards two major thoracic ducts, which dump back into major veins that go to your liver for final toxin processing. If you inhale or ingest something toxic then the toxins enter your circulation and head directly to your liver. When your liver does a good job it is keeping your blood clean of trash,...


Showing 6 of 63

02 08, 2016

Heart Rate Variability - Why You Should Know Yours

Heart disease, blood pressure, obesity, migraines, concussion, CFS/ME or fibromyalgia and many other neurological conditions are linked to poor Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Simple nutrient deficiencies are often to blame for this. Do you know your HRV?

08 25, 2014

Brain Fatigue 101

Are you feeling foggy or exhausted? Drained, overwhelmed, or burned out? Are you forgetting what’s on your grocery list or falling asleep when working on a project or reading? These are symptoms of brain fatigue. Brain fatigue is something that everyone has experienced on some level. It doesn’t matter what age one is; we all need to pay attention to it....

03 28, 2016

Super Form of Vitamin B12 - Adenosylcobalamin

There are important distinctions among the various forms of vitamin B12. In particular, the adenosylcobalamin form of B12 plays a critical role in mitochondria, methylation tolerance, myelin formation, cancer risk reduction, and neurological health and it may be lacking in your diet.

09 08, 2014

GABA: Managing Brain Stimulation, Anxiety, and Other Consequences

Stimulation surrounds us everywhere and everyday. Our nervous system has to process and filter this stimulation 24/7. Oftentimes, we do not realize how massive the job is in managing stimulation until something goes wrong. This may manifest as a migraine headache, panic, anxiety, depression or feeling stressed out. Sometimes it is more serious, such as...


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