
Showing 6 of 27
Repair Plus
  • On sale!

Repair Plus

Turmeric extract, bromelain, papain, quercetin to supports the natural process of repair and rejuvenation. Helps eat up trash in the blood and lymph.*
100 capsules
25% off!
$44.00 $33.00
In Stock
Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin

    Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin

    Feel energized with the highest quality multiple vitamin! Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin contains...
    20% off!
    $32.00 $25.60
    In Stock
    Super CoQ10

      Q10, Super CoQ10

      Unique pharmaceutical-grade Q10. Helps cellular energy production. Super CoQ10 is in a crystal-free form for enhanced absorption.*
      90 capsules
      20% off!
      $38.00 $30.40
      In Stock


        A nutrient-dense green algae antioxidant for detoxification, energy and digestion.*
        90 capsules
        20% off!
        $19.00 $15.20
        In Stock
        Lipid Helper

          Lipid Helper

          Non-flush niacin, pterostilbene, and milk thistle. Supports cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism.*
          90 capsules
          20% off!
          $31.00 $24.80
          In Stock
          Q10, Coenzyme Q10 Supplement

            Q10, Coenzyme Q10

            Q10 helps cellular energy production.*
            90 capsules
            20% off!
            $28.00 $22.40
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 6 of 33

            Magnesium and Blood Pressure

            Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common problems facing Americans, in part due to a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet as well as soils depleted of this vital mineral because of poor farming methods. Magnesium is readily lost by stress and sweating (making it a vital supplement for avid exercisers and athletes). Magnesium is the most...

            Vein and Artery Health

            The physical fitness of the heart and the integrity of arteries, veins, and capillaries are important to maintain in good health for blood pressure to work properly. Under the influence of stress or general wear and tear your small capillaries may become too permeable or weakened, allowing fluid to escape and build up in the extremities or within...

            Toxins Stress Bones

            While virtually any type of stress is potential wear and tear for bones. One form, too many toxins, can wreak havoc with bone strength and optimal bone health. For example, the cadmium in cigarettes is known to displace zinc within bone structure. This means that smoking is inherently weakening to your bone mass, not only because it reduces the flow of...

            Omega 3 Oils and Heart Rhythms

            A significant body of science has left no doubt that omega 3 oils, of which DHA is the most important, have a significant ability to support Heart Rate Variability (HRV), reflecting a healthy nerve-heart relationship. Doses of DHA fish oil ranging from 1 to 6 grams have shown benefits, with higher doses offering more support. Fish oil, due to its DHA...

            Magnesium and Heart Rhythms

            Magnesium is a key mineral for your nervous system, heart, and overall circulation. It is required in your heart to support the heart muscle’s normal contraction-relaxation pumping actions. Your heart also requires a tremendous amount of energy to work properly, and magnesium is needed in the final step of all energy synthesis (ATP production). Your...

            What is Cellulite?

            Cellulite is an irregular change in the structure of your skin, also involving changes in the fatty layers under your skin, which result in a dimpled orange peel or cottage cheese appearance. Problems occur mostly on the buttocks or thighs, and can also appear in the abdominal or pelvic regions. Onset for women is any time after puberty, with the tendency...


            Showing 6 of 115

            01 26, 2015

            Ten Things that Interfere with Thyroid Function

            Thyroid health and function is an intricate web of artwork throughout the body. It is not just the thyroid gland and a single signal from the brain to the thyroid. It is a complicated web of activity throughout the brain and body down to 70 trillion cells and their cell membranes. When this web is working well, vigor, vitality, and healthy metabolic...

            06 02, 2014

            Low Blood Pressure Linked with Brain Atrophy

            Hypertension, COPD, obstructive sleep apnea, poor cardiac function, and aorta stiffness are well known disorders linked with poor brain health and neurodegeneration. Hypertension in midlife has been associated with more brain atrophy in later life, but it is now understood that elderly with low blood pressure have more brain atrophy than those with...

            08 20, 2013

            A Multi-Strain Friendly Flora Helps Diabetic Patients

            Many metabolic problems are adversely influenced by what is going on in the digestive tract. Adverse bacterial and Candida populations produce toxic byproducts and phantom metabolic signals that interfere with healthy metabolic function throughout the body. A new study shows that a multi-strain probiotic supplement helps improve the blood sugar metabolism...

            02 14, 2010

            New Science Shows Statins Don’t Target the Problem

            It is quite inconvenient for the statin industry, which is bilking taxpayers and insurance companies for over 20 billion dollars every year, to find out that the statins are pointed at the wrong target. This is the conclusion that is easy to reach based on a new and highly advanced way of looking at the issue of how plaque is formed in arteries.

            10 23, 2010

            Insulin Resistance Linked to Alzheimer 's Disease

            There is nothing quite like an autopsy to help prove a point. Japanese researchers have provided clear evidence that the common problem of insulin resistance leads to increased levels of plaque brain tangles in Alzheimer's patients.


            Showing 6 of 127

            12 18, 2013

            Resveratrol Helps Brain Circulation

            Resveratrol treatment rescues neurovascular coupling in aged mice:role of improved cerebromicrovascular endothelial function and down-regulation of NADPH oxidas.