
Health Topics


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01 12, 2009

What is Leptin?

I have spent more than twenty years on the front lines of clinical nutrition helping thousands of people solve very difficult health problems – naturally. In all these years I have never encountered more powerful principles of health than those relating to leptin.

11 19, 2006

A Bombshell Drops on Cholesterol Medication's Glass House

It had to happen sooner or later. On October 3, 2006, after extensive review of all studies relating to cholesterol-lowering benefits by statin drugs, scientists reporting in the Annals of Internal Medicine pulled the rug out from under the current government-sanctioned cholesterol levels for reducing cardiovascular disease. Their conclusion, “current...

02 29, 2012

Pantethine – Boost Your Brain, Cardio Health, Metabolism, and Detoxification

Pantethine can dramatically change your health and improve your metabolism. Pantethine, like no other nutrient, directly fuels the production Co-Enzyme A (CoA). CoA is a pivotal energy broker molecule in your metabolism, used in at least 70 metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Pantethine...

07 01, 2016

Combat Energy Crashes After Eating

Sleepiness after a meal, often called a “food coma”, is characterized by a heavy head, drowsiness and lethargy 30-60 minutes after a meal. This can happen for a number of reasons and may reflect a bigger underlying problem. Discover natural ways to keep energy up after eating.


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