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Mastering Leptin

    Mastering Leptin

    Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
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    Stress Helper 90 capsules

      Stress Helper

      Provides excellent nutrients for stress tolerance, reducing food cravings from stress, and weight management. Supports adrenal health and improves mental clarity and mood.*
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      $48.00 $38.40
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      Immune Plus 150 Capsules
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      Immune Plus

      An excellent supplement for efficient immune cell function. It specifically supports healthy lymph...
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      $30.00 $22.50
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      Muscle Mag

        Muscle Mag

        Helps reduce muscle tightness by reducing lactic acid formation. Muscle Mag helps your body get a better response from exercise and daily activities.*
        100 capsules
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        Daily Super Pack

          Daily Super Pack

          Convenient on-the-go packets with our top essential Daily Supplements. Cover your basic nutrient needs, improve energy naturally, and stay well with this powerful nutrient combination.*
          60 packets
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          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 63

          Sleep as Part of a Hormonal Symphony

          When your energy level is clicking along nicely during the day, and turns off properly at night, there is an unmistakable feeling of being in sync. Your body must coordinate the function of over 100 trillion cells in order for you to feel in sync, which is done with hormones (substances that give management-like orders). Your brain responds to hormonal...

          Pleasure, Arousal, Stress, & Food Does Sleep Have a Chance?

          Don't think for a moment that the human brain is simple. It would certainly be nice if there was one on switch for awake and one off switch for sleep. As I have already explained you have a sleep department and a wakefulness department residing within your hypothalamus gland. The new science shows that you also have an arousal thermostat in your...

          Thyroid and Sleep

          When stress is either extremely intense or has been going on too long, then the relaxed reserves in your nervous system tend to deplete. This gives your brain a wired feeling, meaning you are likely to be more anxious or irritable during the day and have poorer quality sleep at night. This has a major bearing on how your subconscious brain (hypothalamus...

          Sleep, Mood & Behavior

          Just like adults, kids' nerves need B vitamins and minerals for healthy function. For kids, we always recommend starting with the basics. B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium are oftentimes lacking in the diet. Supplementing highly absorbable forms of these nutrients can make a difference for stress tolerance and calming nerves. Coenzyme B vitamins are in...


          Fibromyalgia essentially means that your muscles hurt too much, you have too much fatigue, you don't sleep well, you run out of gas and start hurting doing what many others consider normal activity, you have very poor stress tolerance, and your nerves feel wound up like a cat on a hot tin roof. Your ability to exercise and get a good response to exercise...


          Showing 6 of 330

          02 12, 2014

          A Sluggish Lymph System Causes Snoring & Sleep Apnea

          Snoring is the main symptom of sleep apnea or its precursor condition, hypopnea, which involves the reduction of airflow. While it is disturbing to one’s sleep partner, it is also a sign of a health problem that should be improved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and significantly improve energy. A new study by Italian researchers confirms a...

          04 05, 2009

          Sleeping Problems Disturb Cardiovascular Health

          Timing is a key principle of health. Sleeping and waking are timed to the earth's 24 hour clock, and so is the health of your circulatory system. New research is discovering that timing rhythms of your body have a powerful influence on the health of the cells that line your circulatory system.

          09 20, 2010

          Alarming Rate of Death Linked to Short Sleep

          A group of 741 men, average age 50, were followed for 14 years. Those with less than 6 hours per night of sleep had a 433% increased risk of death from any cause during the study period. This is an astounding number and places a new emphasis on the importance of quality sleep as one grows older.

          10 25, 2008

          Mom's Mood Influences Baby's Sleep

          We have known for a long time that children born to parents who don't sleep well are likely to have sleep problems. A new study is shedding more light on this issue, indicating that the fetal programming that takes places while in the womb may have a profound effect on a baby's sleep pattern.


          Showing 6 of 360
          September Sale


          Strengthen your immune health naturally!