
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 140

05 22, 2012

Coffee Drinking Associated with Longer Life

A National Institutes of Health study of more than 400,000 U.S. men and women aged 50 to 71 found that 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day, regular or decaffeinated, reduces the risk of death by 10 percent.

11 20, 2007

Adequate Oxygenation Vital to Healthy Metabolism

New research is uncovering how hemoglobin behaves within a cell to deliver oxygen to the cell engines so that calories can be burned as fuel. Oxygen must be present within cells in order for metabolism to work at an optimal rate. Thyroid hormone is short-circuited at the cellular level if oxygen is not present.

07 25, 2016

Healthy Poop: What is Your Digestive Tract Telling You?

Before you flush, take a peek at what your body is telling you about your digestive system and how happy or unhappy it may be. Knowing what healthy bowel movements are can provide great insight into gut, liver, gallbladder, immune, and pancreatic health.

04 03, 2009

Infants Grow Better on Multiple Vitamins

A new study shows that infants aged 3 – 24 months have better growth when they consistently take a multivitamin every day at the dose of 100% - 150% of the recommended daily allowance (daily value on the supplement facts panel).


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