
Showing 6 of 29
GI & Muscle Helper

    GI & Muscle Helper

    Supports the integrity of the digestive tract lining. It also helps improve muscle repair and strength. May help dry eyes or dryness issues in general.*
    238 grams
    20% off!
    $30.00 $24.00
    In Stock
    Hyaluronic Acid from Rooster Comb 60 Capsules
    • On sale!

    Hyaluronic Acid

    The finest quality natural hyaluronic acid for healthy cartilage, joints, and skin. Highly absorbable, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.*
    60 capsules
    25% off!
    $43.00 $32.25
    In Stock
    ALC 90 caps


      Boost memory, stress tolerance, and fat metabolism. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that...
      90 capsules
      20% off!
      $28.00 $22.40
      In Stock


        Carnosine is a dipeptide made up of the amino acids beta-alanine and l-histidine. It occurs...
        90 capsules
        20% off!
        $44.00 $35.20
        In Stock
        Daily Bone Xcel 150 Caps

          Daily Bone Xcel

          Premier bone building supplement. Contains high quality MCHC calcium and coral calcium, along with the important bone building nutrients vitamin D, vitamin K, boron, and more.
          20% off!
          $35.00 $28.00
          In Stock
          Collagen Peptides
          • On sale!

          Collagen Peptides

          Collagen Peptides nourish your body's collagen production and support healthy joints, skin, hair, and bones. Grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine collagen peptide proteins.*
          500 grams
          25% off!
          $42.00 $31.50
          In Stock

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 33

          Protein Needed for Baby's Growth

          Protein is by far the most important macro nutrient needed during pregnancy. It is required for construction of your baby's body. Protein malnutrition is a serious problem and can result in premature delivery, poor brain development, immune system weakness, and a failure to maximize genetic potential during fetal development.Our government has arbitrarily...

          Handling Constipation During Pregnancy

          Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy, partly due to elevated progesterone levels, partly due to thyroid struggles, and partly due to the digestive tract being compressed by the growing baby. Iron and calcium, both important for pregnancy, can also tilt one in the direction of constipation. Of course, if you are prone to constipation the...

          Antioxidants for Skin & Collagen

          About one third of the protein in your body is used to form collagen, the primary structural protein that forms the matrix of your connective tissues and organs, including your skin. Bone is fifty percent collagen that has been mineralized for a more rigid structure. Skin is seventy-five percent collagen and is a highly flexible structure. If you do not...

          Sleep as Part of a Hormonal Symphony

          When your energy level is clicking along nicely during the day, and turns off properly at night, there is an unmistakable feeling of being in sync. Your body must coordinate the function of over 100 trillion cells in order for you to feel in sync, which is done with hormones (substances that give management-like orders). Your brain responds to hormonal...

          Stress & Nerve Inflammation

          When stress pressures start to rev up, numerous systems in your body start to respond. This heightened rate of metabolic demand naturally produces more inflammatory trash as a byproduct. Like a power boat speeding through the water, the wake (inflammatory trash) is based on how fast you are going. If you are already low on energy then your power boat is...

          Protein for Breakfast

          Getting your day started on the right foot is very important to keeping your metabolism functioning properly as the day goes along -- which significantly impacts your ability to metabolize cholesterol correctly. Many individuals do not eat adequate dietary protein at breakfast -- or even worse tend to skip breakfast because they are in a hurry. This tends...


          Showing 6 of 206

          05 07, 2012

          Unclog Your Liver & Lose Abdominal Fat – Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #6

          Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie. During weight gain your liver is being punched in the nose by inflammatory metabolic flu signals coming from your white adipose tissue (stored fat) and your digestive tract (bacterial imbalance, LPS, Candida, etc.). At the same time, your white adipose tissue is unable to store fat...

          01 23, 2017

          Body Temperature – Thyroid, Adrenals, or Something Else?

          Cold hands, cold feet, and cold nose reveal clues about circulation and body temperature. Impaired thyroid and adrenal fatigue are the most common causes of low body temperature. Learn about the key points for solving low body temperature distress.


          Showing 6 of 234

          01 09, 2009

          Patients Prefer Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum Fiber

          High-fiber diet supplementation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): a multicenter, randomized, open trial comparison between wheat bran diet and partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG)..

          08 11, 2009

          Fiber and Diabetes Risk

          Associations between dietary fiber and inflammation, hepatic function and risk of type 2 diabetes in older men: potential mechanisms for benefits of fiber on diabetes risk.