
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 97

12 12, 2016

Mitochondria – Drugs that Injure and What Mitochondria Injury Looks Like

Mitochondrial damage is something that consumers need to be aware of. Many age-related and seemingly unrelated disorders occur as a result of cumulative damage to mitochondria. Unfortunately, the list of medications damaging mitochondria function continues to expand. Are your medications damaging your mitochondria and putting your health at risk?

12 11, 2007

The Statin Scam Marches On

Considering that tens of millions of Americans now take statins to lower cholesterol, the following headline was conspicuously absent from the major media this month: "Statins Found to Turn On Gene that Causes Muscle Damage"; It's now a fact of science; a new study shows that taking statins destroys your muscle to a greater or lesser degree. And let's...

02 16, 2015

Statin Drugs Cause Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure

"Statin Drugs stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure" is the title of a research study published this past week. It has not made mainstream news at the time of this article writing, but it is of utmost importance to the health of the tens of millions taking statin drugs for cholesterol. The evidence continues to pile up and prove that statin drugs...


Showing 6 of 183

06 14, 2013

Ubiquinol Q10 and Fibromyalgia

Increased oxidative stress and coenzyme Q10 deficiency in juvenile fibromyalgia: amelioration of hypercholesterolemia and fatigue by ubiquinol-10 supplementation.

02 27, 2009

Q10 Helps Muscular Dystrophy

Two successful double-blind trials with coenzyme Q10 (vitamin Q10) on muscular dystrophies and neurogenic atrophies.
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