
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 36

10 24, 2016

Mold Allergies and Toxins - Damaging Effects Must Be Managed

Mold toxins are invariably present all around us. Chronic sinus problems, brain fog, unrelenting fatigue, ice pick headaches and increased gut permeability are signs of a struggle with mold allergies. It is not a matter of if we are exposed, rather how well our detoxification abilities can handle the toxic effects. Is your body keeping up?

12 21, 2012

Digestive Inflammation, Ghrelin and Food Cravings

Ghrelin is the hunger hormone made by your stomach; it travels to your brain and impacts your desire to eat. Digestive inflammation elevates ghrelin and increases appetite even when you don't need food. The more you crave sugar or carbohydrates the greater the problem. The problem can extend to an intense craving for high calorie foods of any type, and a...

04 10, 2013

Fiber, Leptin, and Weight Loss

Dietary fiber is one of the fundamentals of a healthy diet. A lack of adequate dietary fiber will eventually stall any weight loss efforts.

03 16, 2013

Common Pollution Disturbs Thyroid Health

A study shows that PCB contamination is a major factor that disrupts thyroid function and structure. PCB contamination remains rampant in the American food supply.

10 10, 2016

BPA Linked to PCOS in Women

BPA is a chemical compound widely used in consumer goods. It is a known hormone disruptor and is linked to the female health concern, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS. Learn how to limit your exposure and detoxify.


Showing 6 of 53

06 14, 2008

Chlorella Binds Uranium

Chronic toxicity of uranium to a tropical green alga (Chlorella sp.) in natural waters and the influence of dissolved organic carbon.