
Showing 6 of 12
Activator Plus

    Activator Plus

    Energize your immune system with anti-fatigue, stress-busting nutrients. Reinforce antibody...
    90 tablets
    20% off!
    $29.00 $23.20
    In Stock
    Daily Detoxify 90 capsules

      Daily Detoxify

      Top nutritional supplement for the liver. Supports the natural processes of detoxification.*
      20% off!
      $42.00 $33.60
      In Stock
      Thyroid Helper 90 Caps

        Thyroid Helper

        Thyroid Helper contains key nutrients for healthy thyroid function and the natural activation of thyroid hormone. Naturally improve your energy, motivation, and metabolism.*
        50% off!
        $34.00 $17.00
        In Stock
        Hair, Skin & Nails Supplement
        • On sale!
        • New

        Hair, Skin & Nails

        Hair, Skin, Nails is designed to improve skin elasticity and hydration, hair follicle health, and...
        90 capsules
        25% off!
        $44.00 $33.00
        In Stock
        repair supplement package
        • New
        • Pack
        25% off!
        $166.00 $124.50
        In Stock

        Health Topics

        Showing 4 of 10

        Bowel Motility and Detoxification

        Bowel transit time and having well-formed stools are clear signs of digestive health. It is important to move digestive contents along in a timely manner to facilitate the clearance of toxins and avoid gastrointestinal (GI) irritation. GI irritation results from toxicity in the GI tract, and what is even worse, these toxins can re-enter your body (the...

        GI Irritation, Nausea, and Diarrhea

        The outer cells of the inside lining of your GI tract are renewed every 24 hours. Cells several layers deep are renewed every three days. This fast turnover of mucous-producing cells is needed to maintain the structural integrity of the lining of the GI tract. If this natural process of repair is not functioning at an optimal pace then adverse effects of...


        Showing 6 of 64

        02 02, 2013

        Childhood Diet Contributes to Later-Life IQ

        Researchers followed 3,966 children for 8.5 years, tracking their diets and measuring their IQs. The bottom line is clear; the better children eats, the smarter they are. The United States needs to think in terms of optimizing its human potential.

        03 18, 2009

        The Potential for Intelligence is Inherited

        A unique brain-imaging study of identical twins and fraternal twins has shown that genes have a profound influence on the integrity of nerve cell connections, resulting in faster processing speed and potential for intelligence. The study identified that the health of the myelin sheathing of nerves was a key sign of brain health.

        02 29, 2012

        Pantethine – Boost Your Brain, Cardio Health, Metabolism, and Detoxification

        Pantethine can dramatically change your health and improve your metabolism. Pantethine, like no other nutrient, directly fuels the production Co-Enzyme A (CoA). CoA is a pivotal energy broker molecule in your metabolism, used in at least 70 metabolic pathways involved in the metabolism of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Pantethine...

        09 15, 2012

        Magnesium Boosts Brain Function

        Are you getting enough magnesium? Supplementing magnesium proves to have a dramatic effect on memory and learning for all ages. Find out how much you need.

        02 29, 2016

        Asthma, Methylation, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Roundup

        Researchers are finding that problems with methylation defects, increased intestinal permeability, food allergies and intolerances, environmental toxins, and Roundup exposure underlie or worsen asthma disorders.


        Showing 6 of 32

        05 14, 2011

        Exercise and eNOS Reserves

        Exercise Protects Against Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Stimulation of β3-Adrenergic Receptors and Increased Nitric Oxide Signaling: Role of Nitrite and Nitrosothiols