
Health Topics


Showing 5 of 11

05 15, 2023

Liver Health and Weight Management

Fatty sludge in the liver is a growing health concern. See how lifestyle changes and nutrient support can improve your liver's ability to process fats.

03 03, 2010

A High Fat, High Sugar Diet Activates Weight-Gain Genes

It is not simply a matter of the extra calories in and of themselves. Excessive caloric intake turns on gene signals that actively promote the storage of calories as fat. If those gene signals are repetitively activated and conditioned to stay on, you are in real metabolic trouble. A new study in the FASEB journal is part of an emerging body of science...


Showing 6 of 67

06 18, 2008

Chlorella Helps Metabolize and Clear Cholesterol

Hypocholesterolemic mechanism of Chlorella: Chlorella and its indigestible fraction enhance hepatic cholesterol catabolism through up-regulation of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase in rats.
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