
Showing 6 of 65
Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin

    Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin

    Feel energized with the highest quality multiple vitamin! Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin contains...
    20% off!
    $32.00 $25.60
    In Stock
    Buffered C Tablets

      C, Buffered Vitamin C Tablets

      Highly-purified with no additives. Nutrient support for the immune system, adrenals and stress.* There are two vitamin C options: Vitamin C Capsules and Buffered C Tablets.
      100 tablets
      20% off!
      $18.00 $14.40
      In Stock
      pea ultra

        PEA Ultra

        PEA Ultra supports healthy nerve and brain function. It promotes restful sleep and has a calming...
        60 capsules
        20% off!
        $42.00 $33.60
        In Stock
        Adrenal Support Package
        • Pack

        Adrenal Energy Package

        Top adrenal support supplements. Includes 1 bottle of each: Adrenal Helper (90 caps), Pantethine...
        25% off!
        $110.00 $82.50
        In Stock
        ALC 90 caps


          Boost memory, stress tolerance, and fat metabolism. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that...
          90 capsules
          20% off!
          $28.00 $22.40
          In Stock
          Thyroid Energy Package 1 month supply
          • On sale!

          Thyroid Energy Package

          The Thyroid Energy Package™ contains three nutritional supplements that help to improve thyroid and...
          25% off!
          $86.00 $64.50
          In Stock

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 149

          Stress & Nerve Inflammation

          When stress pressures start to rev up, numerous systems in your body start to respond. This heightened rate of metabolic demand naturally produces more inflammatory trash as a byproduct. Like a power boat speeding through the water, the wake (inflammatory trash) is based on how fast you are going. If you are already low on energy then your power boat is...

          Stress Controlled by Leptin

          Stress implies that there is an increased need for energy. Leptin, which is overall in charge of your body's energy spending systems, also regulates your adrenal and nervous system response to stress. When leptin systems work efficiently you have a better ability to tolerate stress, do not feel wired up or exhausted from stress, and do not eat in response...

          Stress and Digestive Health

          It is always possible that stress can be the entire cause of any digestive-related symptoms. This is because there are many nerve endings in your digestive tract, and stress chemicals banging into the wall of your digestive tract can produce any symptom of indigestion, irritation, and impaired or disrupted motility. In actual practice, stress is typically...

          Best Adrenal, Stress, Mood Supplements

          Nutrition excels at nourishing the brain, nerves, and adrenals for better mental clarity, stress tolerance, and relaxation. Discover the best supplements for adrenal support, stress management, and mood and feel the difference. Naturally improve mental energy, focus, and mood!*

          Stress & Adrenals

          Factors that drain your energy always take their toll on your adrenals and "test" your ability to keep up with the demands in your life. Invariably, your female system is affected when too much wear and tear crosses a line. Female Plus™ is the most basic nutrient to help, often backed up by pantethine. Extra protein (Daily Protein Plus™) can also help a...

          Pleasure, Arousal, Stress, & Food Does Sleep Have a Chance?

          Don't think for a moment that the human brain is simple. It would certainly be nice if there was one on switch for awake and one off switch for sleep. As I have already explained you have a sleep department and a wakefulness department residing within your hypothalamus gland. The new science shows that you also have an arousal thermostat in your...


          Showing 6 of 648

          09 12, 2011

          New Insights on How Stress Damages DNA & Causes Cancer

          Utilizing new gene science to identify precise molecular pathways scientists have discovered that repeated exposure to the stress hormone adrenaline degrades cellular levels of P53. P53 is the tumor-suppressing guardian of the human genome. This is an animal study; nevertheless, the fact lower levels of P53 is induced by chronic stress exposure is a...

          09 29, 2011

          New Insights on How Stress Causes Acid Indigestion

          Scientists are gaining a new understanding of the stress-hormone cortisol and its relationship to bile. The great majority of people with “acid indigestion” actually have “bile acid indigestion” and not “stomach acid indigestion.” Thus, a better understanding of this issue can help a person to correct symptoms of indigestion at the source and not rely on...

          04 02, 2008

          Food Addiction and Stress Eating Mechanism Identified

          By experimenting with mice that were bred to have no sweet-taste ability, a direct link of food intake to pleasure has been identified for the first time. This mechanism is important because it links food acquisition directly to addictive or stress-related eating “solutions.”

          09 10, 2011

          Early Life Stress Can Alter Brain Structure

          A child’s relationship with their mother is a key factor in terms of how their brain develops. If the mom is depressed then the child’s brain processes stress differently, leading to a larger amygdala and higher levels of glucocorticoids. This would cause a person to grow up with a brain structure more prone to an aggressive/combative stress response.

          03 11, 2009

          Teenage Stress Primes Inflammatory Pump

          A new study shows that teenagers in high stress situations (family, peers, school) can elevate the inflammatory marker CRP (C reactive protein) for several years following the stress. Inflammation deactivates nerve function resulting in poor mood and more risk for depression. And the CRP can lead to cardiovascular distress and set the stage for plaque...

          07 02, 2007

          Psychotic Stress is Associated with Imbalanced Fat Cells

          Fat is now recognized as a metabolic organ. Leptin is the primary hormone secreted by fat cells, as fully explained in The Leptin Diet. A companion hormone that is also secreted by fat cells is called adiponectin. Adiponectin maintains insulin sensitivity, especially in the liver. When leptin resistance sets in and an individual gains weight,...


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