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Daily Super E 90 caps

    Daily Super E

    This superior quality complete tocotrienol complex supports cholesterol metabolism, arterial health, bones, and skin. Put the power of tocotrienol vitamin E to work for you!*
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    $41.00 $32.80
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    Health Topics

    Showing 6 of 22

    Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

    The nausea and sometimes vomiting during pregnancy often starts between 4-6 weeks and may last until weeks 12-14 or beyond. Since there are so many changes going on in your body during this time,  nobody has been able to nail down a precise cause, but it sure can be annoying and get in the way of you getting needed nutrition into your body.Avoid greasy...

    Calcium and Bone Health

    It has been documented that calcium is mobilized from a mother's bones during pregnancy and helps build the baby's bones, a natural process. The loss of bone mineral density during pregnancy may be 5%, but that bone density is typically replaced within a year. Breast feeding appears to assist bone remineralization in the mother.There is some evidence to...

    Postpartum Nutrition

    The birth of a child is one of the great joys in life. It is also a vulnerable time for both mother and child. It is truly unfortunate that families are not more aware of advanced nutritional science and how it can help ensure the postpartum time is relatively free of problems. Delivery itself is a major life event for the entire family. For mother and...

    Prenatal Nutrition

    Your nutritional status prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy is essential to the health and development of your child. Ensure you get the highest quality, most important nutrients and vitamins for prenatal health. Preparing for Pregnancy Ideally, you should be of proper body weight and eat in harmony with the fat and pregnancy hormone...

    Immune System Support

    Your immune system is automatically down-regulated during pregnancy, so that your immune system does not reject your baby. This means that you should seek to minimize your exposure to sick people and should make everyone in your household practice good hygiene and hand washing.Various nutrients can naturally support efficient immune function to assist you...

    Postpartum Excess Substance P Release

    Substance P is intimately involved with pain, anxiety, and poor mood. Substance P is the main way your body processes pain and intense stress. Under routine stress, your body simply turns up the volume knob on nerve activity and energy production and when the stress is over, everything is supposed to recover. Substance P is not used as a basic coping...


    Showing 6 of 175

    03 28, 2013

    DHA is Vital During Pregnancy

    Two new studies show the extreme value of DHA supplementation during pregnancy for the baby's health. It’s one simple step for a lifetime of benefits.

    03 13, 2008

    Branding Pregnancy as Mental Illness

    Immediate Consumer Action is Needed to Stop Mothers ActThe Mothers Act is pending legislation that will indoctrinate hundreds of thousands of mothers into taking dangerous psych drugs. It is a great example of how the Big Pharma lobby controls Congress to the detriment of health, as well as needlessly and dramatically inflating the costs of our...

    03 24, 2008

    Dangers of Psych Drugs in Pregnancy

    The Senate is about to approve legislation (Mothers Act - S.1375) which mandates the indoctrination of pregnant and nursing mothers into the use of extremely dangerous psychiatric medication. We already know this class of medication poses serious health risks to both mother and baby. Consequences to the baby are now proven to cause nerve-related changes...

    08 22, 2011

    Prenatal Inflammation during Pregnancy Predicts Risk of Asthma

    It is now crystal clear that crucial times for gene programming (epigenetic settings) occur in the womb, during the first few weeks of life, and also during the first few years of life. Parents have a responsibility to help their children get started on a healthy path. While it is possible to make changes to epigenetic settings later in life, it is not so...

    04 22, 2009

    Pregnancy and Vital Gene Programming

    It is now very clear that gene switches are programmed in a baby while in the womb. Factors such as the nutritional status of the mother, stress, and mood can have a major impact on several future generations. Ongoing animal experiments prove beyond any question that gene setting that occur in the womb persist following birth.

    02 18, 2013

    DHA Needs During Pregnancy and Lactation

    Getting enough DHA during pregnancy is vital for the future health of your child. Not getting enough can mean stress intolerance, poor mood, and set the stage for postpartum depression.


    Showing 6 of 289

    03 21, 2013

    Pregnancy DHA Helps Baby's Heart

    Effects of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation during pregnancy on fetal heart rate and variability: A randomized clinical trial.